Can't Cover Up The Scars

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I've kept back the thoughts

of my life surrounded by you

your actions, your ways, your beliefs

your thoughts that planned destruction

So self absorbed

you didn't realize how you drained the life out of me

when I see me I'm the left over

the crumbs on the plate

the waste that's tossed aside with the rest of the wastes

and that subsides my esteem.

That doesn't seem enough

because when you're hurt

hurt people tend to hurt people

there is no closer for the times you reflected that pain

belittling those who were left to stick around

forcing your ways in spite of when it did not.

Thinking that it's okay to live this way

until the damage that was caused comes to reality

I loose insanity

that this was never the way to live

and when it comes to getting help my thoughts rather bid

rather to keep it hidden

and in time what was fractured will ridden

But reality will strike again

until I heal what was broken.

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