Fall Of Man

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It builds up inside

creating a wild fire

bursting with spite

it creeps up

and crawls under your skin

its the most uncomfortable feeling

that shaken your faith within

its hate that leads to sin

it takes away your character

in exchange for your flesh

it eats all the good

and leaves you with the bad

it covers it's tracks

by blinding you and keeping you away from the facts

it seems genuine

but it's anything but true

it hypnotizes

with it's worldly ways

it carves an addiction in your soul

it eats you whole

and stuffs you full

its misery loves company

and it does all that it can

to drag you down in the depths of hell

with the rest of the fools

isn't that why nothing is possible with man?

.... that we fall short of God's Glory

we refused to glorify him

he did all that he could to save man

until he was stretched thin

and offered the ultimate sacrifice for all

to save all of creation

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