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Young Hyunjin was sitting down the floor as the usual child he is playing with his toys, he somehow fell lonely but that doesn't matter because he is used to it, He then get tired of playing and sigh as he was still waiting for his Father to come home~~ he looked at the outside while the birds are landing and chirping at the branch of the tree

"Master you're home" One of their maids said, Hyunjin then jolted and was about to hug his father welcoming him home, when he suddenly stopped to see that his Father was with four unfamiliar little guys on both of his side, all dirty and stinky

"There you are Son, come here" His Father said, motioning him to come and join them, Hyunjin shrugged off many thoughts and run to hug his Dad

"Who are they? New servant?" Hyunjin said, still eyeing the four guys

"Don't be like that son, from now on they will be your Brothers" Phoenix said; "Go on and play with them, after they washed up okay~~" Phoenix said, he lifted Hyunjin and went away to tell the maids to dress the four guys up

Still eyeing the four guys Hyunjin started hugging his Dad who is lifting him up, After a few hours the four guys was delivered to Phoenix all clean and tidy 'am I not enough to dad that he needs to adopt more guys?' Hyunjin thought, not hearing that his dad was calling for him

"Hyunjin~~ come here son" Phoenix said, he snap out of his thoughts and obey his dad

"This is Jisung, Jeongin, Seungmin and Minho your new brothers" Pheonix said, but Hyunjin refused to be friendly to them, as the four guys smile at him and immediately become awkward after not hearing Hyunjins word

"It will take time for him to be close with them, please keep an eye on them" Phoenix said to one of his maid; but Hyunjin was unbothered and still looking at the four guys, he then went to extend his two hands which were holding a car toy initially giving it to Minho, but when Minho was about to grab it Hyunjin broke it into half

"I have no brothers! And I will never have one neither four!" Hyunjin said, Phoenix breathe out heavily and saw it coming; "He's always like that, he'll get through it soon" Phoenix stated

Many days had past and still Hyunjin refuse to speak to any of them, Hyunjin would only glare at them and play on his own, while they are having their own little world

Many more days and Hyunjin finally start talking to them, but then it would only last for a short period of time for one minute to be specific so this day is the most unbelievable day for Jisung, he thought that Finally Hyunjin is starting to grow closer to him,l they were having fun while going to Hyunjins so called Secret place

"Where are we Hyunjin?" Han asked; "You'll know" Hyunjin said, as they stopped in front of a muddy lake, Hyunjin seemed to be looking at for something specific when; "Han could you please stand here?" Hyunjin said pointing at the place right in front of the muddy lake

"Of course but why?" Han asked but didn't hesitate where Hyunjin point him to stand, he was about to look behind but then a pair of small hands push him leaving him unbalanced and fell off the muddy lake

He only realized what happened when he finally sat down at the muddy lake, with muds on his whole body just to see Hyunjin bursting out laughing at him while holding his stomach

They then went back with two maids guiding them, Phoenix who knows what happened after seeing that Hyunjin was avoiding eye contacts, sighed deeply as of a thought that 'It will take lots of time, for him to get along with them' Phoenix thought

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