Door Stalker & Tommy

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Chapter 27

It was Thursday and the past days had been bliss. Mom had not talked to me and just chose to ignore me. It was better than being acknowledged that’s for sure. Kaylie and I would still talk and we were closer as well. I guess the entire situation just had us reconsider the little time we had before I really left her here with my mom and idiot brother.

Talking about brothers, I have not seen him recently other than last night when I went to get myself a glass of water around one in the morning. He reeked of alcohol and his stumbling did not help but yell out I’m drunk. Of course mom was zonked out so she didn’t hear his epic failure attempt up the stairs. Kaylie woke up but I turned her back to bed saying it was just our brother being a moron. Anyways enough about ranting I have to be out the door in the next five minutes before I am late to school.

Walking into school I read a message from Mike:

Hey Jeremy and I will see you girls at the ice cream shop after school J  

                                           Love Mike

Awww he was too cute and I have to find Jaime to remind her before she forgets. Speak of the devil there she is talking to Tommy oh dear god. Hope there is nothing going on between the two because knowing Tommy he would drag her to the unknown. Cheating bastard should just my friends alone and never show up in my life at all. “Hey Jaime,” I said not acknowledging Tommy. “Morning Sam,” she said cheerfully opening up some space so that the three of us formed a little group.

“Hey babe, what are you doing after school?” I cannot believe that Tommy just said that to me. Is he crazy or just insanely stupid????  I mean honestly after the BS with him and he pulls that one wow!

Glaring at him I answered in the most stern voice I could muster, “Do not call me babe because I sure as hell am not your Babe.” Hissing now I continued, “And what I do after school has no concern for you at all so back the hell off.”  Jaime gave me a concerned look but I ignored her as I pulled away from the group not caring if this doosh talked to Jaime or not. Stepping forward he grabbed my arm, “Look Sam I am sorry and I just want to talk to you.”

He was just too funny I mean really!!! Shaking off my arm from his I glared at him once more and walked away to my class not even attempting to go to my locker. He called out my name a few times but I ignored him. What the hell was his problem he had been distant ever since we started school and now here he was asking me to talk to him. Then there is Jaime who was talking to him in the first place and stayed there even after I left. Well whatever it is I am not going to worry about it because I am just too tired of all this crap. Besides I had Mike and he was more man than I could ever want and have.

Arriving to class I sat down and just let the day drift until lunch time. Unfortunately Tommy was serious about talking so I spent every passing period and class time avoiding him at all costs. Walking to the vending machine as fast as I could I buy some chips cookies and two fruit punch drinks. After buying what I wanted I walked straight out of the cafeteria and straight to the art room. When I got there Mr. Cahill was nowhere to be seen so. I sat down and I ate as fast as I could so I could start painting.

Having Tommy bug me today had me in an unwanted stress situation and so I needed to relax. That’s where art comes in because I just can’t help it and besides I love painting. Once I prepared everything I began on the clear white canvas. To be honest I do not even know what I was painting but just let every stroke and color stroke the white canvas freely.

When the bell I do not know but I was lost in my painting. Mr. Cahill tapped my shoulder and made sure I was fine. Once he was reassured he told me to continue on but as long as he kept my painting. I nodded and continued still in my dazed state. About twenty minutes later I decided to look at the door for some weird reason. I had that feeling when you know someone is looking at you but you are not sure so you just have to see for yourself.

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