Meeting Jane

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The next morning I woke up sort of panicky because I could feel someone staring at me. I had forgot that I had slept at Mikes house so when I slowly opened my eyes I was more than pleased to find his beautiful light blue eyes looking at me. I sighed in relief and he chuckled “good morning to you too.”

“Sorry it’s just I forgot that I stayed over and I felt panicky” with a small smile.

“That’s not good. If it’s me that’s scarring you than you should tell me and I promise you that I’m not like that.”

“Haha no its not you and don’t even think that. I don’t know I’ve just been feeling weird and I guess I’m just paranoid that’s all.”

“Good than and you’re safe with me” he said while kissing me with a reassuring kiss. He pulled me on top of him and continued a slow intimate kiss.

I couldn’t help but smile and kiss him back but a little rougher than him. He didn’t expect that and so I heard his little moan and it brought chills to me by just knowing I could do that. Both of grew more eager with the heated kiss and soon enough his hands trailed my body and he was pulling me closer to him. His hands started searching up my shirt and I couldn’t help but let a moan slip out from his trailing hand from my waist up my stomach and to my bra.  As he pushed my bra upwards, I brought myself closer to him and went into a rougher deeper kiss until I heard a door open and a woman yell out “Hi sweetie- Ohhh I’m so sorry.”

“Mom what are you doing!?” said Mike.

Great this was so not the way to meet his mom while I was laying on top of him and his hands up my shirt. Totally not cool and she seen us in a heavy making out session. NOT GOOD!!!  I jumped off him and fixed myself running to the bathroom but before I could do that Mike just had to pull me towards him. Don’t get me wrong I love being near him but this was to embarrassing.

“Sorry honey, I just wanted to see how you were doing but seeing as you’re in good hands or should I say that to her haha” his mom said smiling. I couldn’t help but blush and I mean blush.

“Mom stop you’re embarrassing us and next time could you please knock or ring the doorbell.”

“Okay fine I will. Now are you going to introduce me to this lovely lady or not?”

He sighed at his mother giving up on the point he was trying to get across to her and said “Yes this is Samantha my girlfriend, Samantha this is my mother.” I felt the chills creep all over me when he said that along with a blush.

“Please call me Jane honestly and it’s a pleasure to meet you” Jane said eagerly while pulling me into a hug. Was she crazy? She just saw me making with her son and shes hugging me like nothing ever happened. I was so lost.

Finally letting me go, I said “it’s a pleasure meeting you too and I’m so sorry about that” I said pointing to the couch. I had to apologies I mean I didn’t want her thinking I was a slut or anything. 

“Ohhh no worries dear and besides it’s good to know that my son has a beautiful girl and that he has a sex life because I want grandchildren before I hit fifty” said Jane.

“Mother please!” said Mike.

“Well it’s true and well not to rush you too or anything but you only have two more years, just saying” she said with the biggest smile possible.

I was so shocked I’m pretty sure by jaw could have touched the floor. After realizing that I still had my mouth open I closed it and blushed to fullest red possible.

“Mom really” he sighed and then said again “we are not having sex and stay out of it.”

She was about to protest when his house phone started ringing. Mike started walking away to answer it but yelled to his mother “and don’t interrogate her!”

Great I was stuck with his mom, this was so awkward. She then pulled me to the kitchen and headed over to the fridge pulling out eggs and bacon and god knows what else.

“It’s a shame that you and my son are not intimate in that way but why? I mean I just seen you two and that looked pretty intense to me.” Jane.

I looked her at her shocked but answered her while she started cracking eggs. “We barely have almost two months going out and ummm…. I’m still virgin but he doesn’t know that” I said sheepishly.

She looked at me with a big smile on her face. “Ohhh my god I can’t believe it. I’m so happy he’ll be your first and that’s so romantic since you two clearly love each other. Don’t worry it’s okay to be a virgin; there is no shame in being one.”

I couldn’t believe her. “Please don’t tell him, he doesn’t know.”                                                          

“I don’t know what?” said Mike. Crap why did he have to walk in just now and hear me?             

Jane looked at me and I gave her a pleading smile and in return she gave me a “you have to tell him sooner or later” face expression. “Nothing to worry about sweet heart, it’s just that she doesn’t have a swimsuit and I was hoping to go to lake house this Monday.”

I so owed her big time thank god. I just didn’t want him to know that I was virgin yet well at least not yet anyways.

“Ohhh, well I’m pretty sure we can go buy one and well go over to the lake house on Monday.” Mike.

Jane had almost been done cooking so I decided that I should excuse myself to go shower and brush my teeth. “Mike can I go shower please?”

“Of course you don’t even have to ask” he said while kissing me on the cheek and showing me the way to his room and his bathroom. After showing me he walked out back to the kitchen. No doubt to yell at her for the conversation earlier. I took a quick shower not even admiring his scent of his shampoo or his room.

I put on a pair of blue jeans and a gray t-shirt, combed my hair and walked out to the kitchen. There I found Mike and his mom Jane sitting at the table talking about the lake house while waiting for me to eat breakfast. Wasn’t he the best!!! I sat down and we all started eating pancakes with egg and bacon. This was the best breakfast I have had in a while since my mom never cooked for me or because I never had the time to do it for myself. I remember dad was always cooking me breakfast but that’s never going to happen again.

When we were all done I got up and took the plates to the sink even though Mike insisted that I leave them but I ignored them and started washing them. Jane had a phone call and she stepped outside to take it. Mike on the otherhand came over to me and hugged me from behind placing his hands around my waist pulling me back towards him. I tried ignoring him and continued washing dishes because if I didn’t I would sure enough drop a plate. He pecked my neck and whispered “you look so hot when your serious and washing dishes.”

That sent me chills everywhere and thank god I had finished the dishes because I would have surely dropped one after what he did. He pulled my head towards him and kissed me on the cheeks but I heard the door open so I pushed him away and walked out of the kitchen. He groaned and mumbled for only me to hear “dam it mother.” I chuckled and he pulled me into him saying “what’s so funny” while tickling me making me laugh louder.

His mother seen us and smiled until she seen what I was wearing. She then pulled me out of Mike’s grip and out the door to her car. Mike and I were both shocked but I moved along to follow her before I fell on my face. Mike on the other hand stood there than finally walking towards the door yelling to his mom “where are you taking her?”

“Don’t worry I’m just going to borrow her see you later dear.” And with that she drove us off.

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