ch 6

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A/N the italic font means the conversation is being held in German. I debated weather  or not to use google translate as I don't know an ounce of German . 

Andrews Pov

The time has finally come. Now I can finally embrace my kitten. Seems like she'll be little feisty one . But that doesn't bother me .  At the end of the day she has no other choice but to love me .

*phone rings *

" Boss , we have successfully completed the order . Currently she is at your summer house villa .  what is your next order ?' . " Lock her in the under  dungeon . But make sure nit to hurt her. If I see a single scratch on her , you'll have to face the consequences  ". 

Well kitten , my love for you doesn't make me over look the fact that you were intimate with another man .  Of course he will pay for this sin with his life . But you my love also need to go through some punishment . After all said is done , I'll treat you like my Queen , that you truly are . 

" Hans , drive us to the summer villa ."  

Hans is my loyal right hand man , whom I also consider the closest thing to friend . His father worked under my father and so he's been beside me my whole life .  In my absence , he takes care of all the paper work and important matters . 

As I got of the car my another trusted man Albert came to me . 

" Boss , that Zack is currently being held in the 2nd dungeon . What should we do " . Ah , yes Zack is his name . time for some fun . It's been months since I killed someone with my own hands . 

" Nothing . You can go now ."

I enter the villa and debate weather go straight down where Ava is or that Zack . Even thinking about another man in the same room as my Ava makes my skin crawl . So I went down where that guy was . He was unconscious . that's no fun . I told the head maid to bring  a bucket of ice water and she did . 

I poured the ice chill water on Zacks head and he jolted his eyes open . "Who are you ? Why am I here ? Let me go!!!!"  he said  . Why does everyone say stupid thing  like let me go . Are they dumb . Before he could say another stupid thing , I took a sharp knife and stabbed his  left hand right in the middle which was tied to a chair . His annoying  questions got replaced with even more troublesome screams . The only screams I want to hear is Ava screaming my name in pain and pleasure .

I took  out the knife and got a baseball bat and started hitting his legs with just  enough strength to break them . And to add cherry on the top , I dragged  his limp body towards the hydraulic   presser . 


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After placing  his right hand in the presser in the machine , I turned it on . Boy he   screamed like  a bitch . Blood started to splatter and I can hear the bone cracking . After a good 30 second and when his hand looked like a squashed tomato sauce bottle , I turned the machine off . 

Dragging his almost dead body by his hair , I went towards the next room dungeon . 

Time for the final showdown .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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