Chapter 13 - shutter island pt. 1

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Kiara POV
JJ woke up in the middle of the night and I heard him go outside. I didn't wanna leave the bed and decided to ask him in the morning. " Are you having nightmares again ?" JJ was making coffee and nodding his head while not looking at me. " How bad is it ?" I asked and he shrugged, pouring coffee through the filter before giving it to me. We sat down at the table and I knew that he needed a while to gather himself. I reached for his hand and he started to look up at me. " It's been night after night..." I stood up to go sit beside him and pulled him into a  hug. He was silent, but I felt his head on my shoulder. Sometimes I felt completely helpless and limited. I could comfort him and be there for him, but nobody could really take the pain away. " I can't escape him and it fucking drives me mad.." He was mumbling into my shoulder. Right now I wished I could stay, even just for a week. Thinking about going back to boarding school made my stomach turn. I didn't wanna leave him anyway and like this not in the least.
" Guys ? Are you ready ?" Pope disrupted our hug  and we greeted him. JJ was looking a little disheveled, running his hand through his hair and I continued to hold his hand when we stood up to leave. " Can you drive ?" I asked Pope outside and he said yes, J was in no condition to do that. He was lying down on the backseat and when Pope started the car to get onto the main street, we heard snoring from the back. " Nightmares again ?" Pope whispered to me and I answered under my breath " Yeah, pretty fucking bad.." " Shit."

to be continued. thank you for all the reads ! i appreciate each and every one of you :) ENJOY !

When we reached the Cameron Mansion, JJ was still sleeping. Pope and me decided to check out the gate before waking him up. We parked the Twinkie in a side street. At the gate we met up with John B who threw some hand signs at us to be quiet. " What is the plan ?" I asked both of them and John B answered " We have to get Sarah out of there, problem is Ward is guarding her like crazy." " I'll volunteer to distract him.." I said and they nodded " But first we have to get JJ." I promised to meet them at the back entrance when I would get back with J. Back at the parking spot I thought I would find JJ all rested and relaxed. I opened the back door of the Twinkie, thinking I would find him lying there but was astonished when all I saw was the worn out backseat row, empty. Where was he ? What happened ? I started to walk around the car and further down the street, maybe he was just walking around a little or something. " JJ ?" Street after street, I saw no signs of him and right as I wanted to go back to the boys to tell them that J vanished I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Rafe standing there smiling in his weird way. I took a few steps back, my mind was trying to grasp the situation and asked straight forward " Where is he ? What did you do ?" He laughed coming closer " What are you talking about Kie ? I just happened to meet you here." " Cut the bullshit Rafe, where the fuck is JJ ?" He started to whistle " Uhm...he's somewhere safe and somewhere you and your lowlife friends will never find him..." I saw it in his face, the way he was talking to me, he was enjoying the hell out of it and it made me sick. I pointed my finger at him " I'll find him and if it's the last thing I do !" " Keep telling yourself that...keep telling yourself that !" His weird laugh was annoying me and he put his hands in the air " What are you gonna do ? Shoot me ? That's the only thing your useless boyfriend taught you....I'll never get why you switched sides." " Shut the fuck up Rafe ! I did not switch sides I just turned on my brain and stuck with the people that actually give a shit about me." " Wow !" In that moment I did really just wanted to kill him on sight, right on the street.
" What's going on ?" I turned around to see Pope and John B running towards me. " Rafe abducted JJ god knows where !" " You don't know anything Kiara, you do not know anything !" Rafe was not backing off and a second later John B pushed him to the ground. Pope stood beside him asking " Where is JJ ?" Rafe pressed to the ground, clearly outnumbered didn't answer. I got closer folded my arms and repeated the question. He didn't say a word.

I woke up on the floor of a dark room. There was nothing around me and I was confused. Where was I ? How did I get here ? Where were the others ?
" Hello ? Anyone ? Kie ? Pope ? John B ? HELLO ?" Nothing came back and I got up. Somehow my balance was fucked up and I nearly fell down. Slowly I started to walk around, my arms stretched out to get a feeling of what was around me. I felt dizzy but continued to put one foot right in front of the other. At one point I could feel a wall and ran my hands over it till I finally sensed a keyhole. Atleast now I knew that there was a way out. Problem was it was stuffed with something because I couldn't see through it. What the heck was going on ? I started to bang on the door. " Hello ? Anybody out there ? Get me out of here !" Then I heard some faint voices from the outside. " Hello ? Let me go !" The voices came closer " Seems like he found the way out....really impressive." That was one of Rafe knucklehead friends. " Let me the fuck out of here !" I started to scream louder and trashed my body against the door. " We can't let you out sorry, we have to wait for the boss." The boss ? Rafe ? Even though I felt like shit being trapped I nearly had to laugh, his friends were so fucking delusional. " Let me out of here right now !" " We can't, man we really can't." I was still banging against the door but started to get frustrated. If this was a thing between me and Rafe why was he locking me into a room ? Where were the others ?  What was the plan here ?

Will JJ find a way out ? Will the pogues find him ? Will they manage to save Sarah from her family ? What is Rafe's plan ? Shutter Island Part 2 coming later....Thank you for your votes, reads, everything, I really really appreciate it. Enjoy ! ;)

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