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I just turned 18 3 weeks after the report proposal. Which means today is the start of wedding planning! I was so excited until we had other things to worry about. 

When I woke up in the morning Percy was at a meeting and I was sick. As soon as I got up I threw up. I did that for a solid 25 minutes before Piper came in and found me like that. 

"Annabeth? What happened?" Asked Piper.  

"I woke up like this for the past 5 days. Percy was always at a meeting and never knew even." I complained. Pipers face lit up like she had an idea. She ran out of the room and returned with a box's of pregnancy tests. 

"Take these!" She squealed. I was too tired to fight so I just did 4 of them.  We had to wait 2 minutes before we could see the results.  

"Well, hello why do you look like a ghost Piper." I could hear Hazel say from the bedroom part. I flipped all the test over





"Piper," I walked out of the bathroom. 

"What is the verdict?" She asked. Hazel looked confused.

"I-i am going to be a mom!" I was star struck. 

Piper hugged me and Hazel kept staring at the test. They eventually switched but then Piper went to go see the others while Hazel was still hugging me. 

"Hey, Annabeth why are you crying?" Questions Percy as he just walked in. Piper walks out screaming, 

"Annabeth they are all Positive you really are going to be a mom!" She was squealing at this point. 

Percy was staring at me with a huge smile. 

"Wise Girl am I going to be a dad?" He asked hopefully. I just nod. He picks me up off the floor and twirls me around like crazy. We end up kissing. 

"Guys, I had these shirts made for you guys and you might want to use them to tell people." Says Calypso squealing because she just heard the news. 

They were t shirts that say I AM A GRANDMA OR GRANDPA, AUNT etc. We agreed to use them. 

We got bags and put names on them Bobby, Estelle, Sally and etc. We decided to give Estelle hers 1st.                                                                                                                                                                            

"Estelle are you in here?" Asked Percy. She yelled back yes. We walked in and told her we had a present. She was excited and opened it right away. 

"What does it say Stella?" Asked Annabeth. 

"You are going to be an Aunt. But you are the only one that is married so that means-" She squealed and hugged us. 

"I am so happy, tell mom and dad next please!" She declared. 

"Mom, Paul are you in here? Asked Percy.  

"Yes, come on in." 

"We just wanted to drop these shirts off for you guys. The message might be confusing but I will be right down the hall if you need me." He walked right out the door and stood next to Annabeth who was listening. 

"Percy Jackson get in here right now!" Was all anyone could have heard. 

"What mom?" 

"I am a grandma now." She walked over and hugged us so did Paul. 

"Isn't it awesome mom!" Yelled Estelle. 

"You told her before us!" Was all Sally said. We all laughted. 

"Let's go find the boys"said Annabeth 

They were all fighting with the foam weapons. 

"Tyson, Bobby, Mark, and dad we have presents." I yelled. They ran over and unrapped them immediately. 

"You are going to be an uncle?" Read Mark. Bobby read his then realized it immediately. 

"I want it to be a boy!" Declared Bobby. Everyone was hugging one another. Everyone was going crazy at this point. 

"In 2 weeks we can find out the gender!" I yelled . Everyone went ballistic. 

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