birthday bobos

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Today was England's birthday, 4 years ago I was holding her close to my chest with Estelle next to me, now she is all grown up. 

We plan to have a little Party with Hazel and Piper's kids. We were all going to the gardens at 10:45 and beginn Partying. 

Percy and me were going to wake her up with a little surprise.  

"Happy Birthday, Landy!" I wisphered. 

She sat up in bed an rubbed her eye's. Asia hopped on the bed and sat down at the foot of the bed. 

"Daddy and me got you a big surprise!" I smiled. 

"Can I see it, please?"  yawned England. 

"Bring him n Percy!" I called.

 He walked in with a brown rabbit in his hands. She woke up and grabbed him from his arms and she snuggled him. 

"His name is Charlie." she delared. 

"Why, Charlie?" I asked. 

"I wanted a brother to be named that." she answered.  I laughed. 

" Mommy, when will Ellinor's birthday be?" asked England. 

"Well, your birthday is october, mine is June, your dad's is January, Ellinor's will be some time in late April or Early May." I replied. 

She noded then realized we had put a cage in her room. She set the bunny in there then we walked down to the dinning room. 

"Happy Birthday, England Hope!" yelled Estelle, and Bobby. Mark is the chiller Unkle. 

"Thank you Auntie Stella and Unkle Bob" yelled Engand rushing over to them.

 I smiled at sat do at my chair. England scooted in right next to me. Percy sat right next to her. Estelle  sat  across from us and Bobby said he had to go do school work so he left. 

My side of the family never eats with us. They eat in a separate room or at a diffrent time. 

"Where's my baby?"called Sally. 

"In mommy's tummy" laughed England.

 We all burst out laughing and Landy hugged Sally and Paul. Tyson was with his newly wed wife, Drizella. They had just returned. 

"Unkle Tyson, I just got a Rabbit named Charlie." she squealed. 

He kissed her on the forehead and took a seat next to Drizella who was talking with Sally. We all got surved pancakes and bacon. 

England got Pancakes and bacon as well. 

"It is a diffrent bacon that is fine for Diabetics." the cook wisphered in my ear.

 I noded and told her to check her insulin. She took out her matchine and made sure she had enough going into her system. We all ate and talked about what we were going to do for the day.

 England started talking about how she wanted  to redo the playroom and make it just dolls and no kitchen stuff becuase she wanted the dolls out of her room and the kitchen in her room. 

"Well, our gift to you is you get to redo the playroom!" yelled Tyson. 

"Yes, Thank you Unkle Tyson and Drizella" she sang that we could barely make out what she said.

 "Well, how about if you open this gift?" asked Estelle sliding over a big box on the ground.

 "Thanks for the help, Tyson!" Graoned Estelle.

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