we're out here in plain sight

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"It's a big one tonight."

Stevie shakes her head out of the daze she's in, focusing on Cory's face and realizing she hadn't heard a word her assistant had said. "What's that?"

"I said, it's a big one tonight." Cory's voice is muffled, her head stuck in a wardrobe, looking like she's fighting for her life as she fishes out costume after costume and hands them to Stevie's wardrobe assistant. "The guest list." She manages to break free from the tangle of garments, and looks directly at Stevie with something close to accusation in her stare. "Like 40 bajillion people. We're never getting out of here on time." She shares a glance with Kim, who nods to confirm as she smooths each dress, shawl, and blouse carefully before placing it on the quick changes rack.

"Oh, right." Stevie brushes off the comment, her mind too preoccupied to really focus on Cory's less than subtle hints, let alone the afterparty starting in a few hours. She's waiting for Lindsey to arrive.

She and Lindsey had had it all planned out. After they had played a show in Dallas several nights ago, they'd gotten right onto the plane headed to their next tour stop in LA, where Lindsey had driven home, walked into the house he shared with his wife, and sat their children down to tell them that their family life as they know it is over.

That was two days ago, and Stevie feels herself doubting again whether they should have waited to deliver the news, maybe until the tour was over? But as much as they would have wished to put off having to break two little hearts, it needed to be done or the whole situation would devolve into something much messier than it already is. They had had a two day break at home before driving down to their show in Irvine tonight, and it just made sense. Besides, this talk was long overdue. And honestly, it will better for everyone once everything is out in the open, and Lindsey doesn't have to feel like he's walking around with an albatross around his neck.

So why does it feel like Stevie's heart is going to pound out of her chest?

She picks up the glass of iced tea Karen had fetched for her and takes a long sip, trying to calm her frayed nerves as once again all of the possible outcomes of this conversation run through her mind. Lately she can't go two minutes without the notion popping up in her mind that she's on the precipice of disaster, everything they'd built falling apart based on this one discussion. "You know," Cory continues, and Stevie is once again ripped from her thoughts, "just one word from you and we'll start kicking people out, it's no bother to us. No matter how early, we'll be happy to start packing up." Kim nods vehemently, Karen popping over to agree.

Stevie can't help but laugh, and she's grateful for the diversion from her swirling thoughts. "Okay, you three. I hear you loud and clear." She has gotten accustomed to being kicked out of her own dressing room if she takes too long socializing after a show - and she's used to such blatant hints from her girls that the crew would love to get home at a reasonable hour - but she knows the odds are higher here in Irvine than anywhere else that it's going to be an even later night than usual. Los Angeles shows always have the biggest VIP list, and, Stevie admits, it's usually her fault. She always ends up inviting everyone she knows (and several people she doesn't) backstage, seizing the opportunity to catch up with people who she hasn't been able to see in months or years. And tonight especially, while she knows the behind the scenes crew are dreading it, Stevie is kind of looking forward to the distraction.

"Aunt Stebieeee!!" Speaking of distraction, she suddenly feels arms wrapping around her legs and looks down, spying a tiny blonde head. Her pulse speeds up - Lindsey is here. And apparently he'd brought the kids? She can't figure out if that's a good sign or not.

Breaking into her first  genuine smile of the last two days, Stevie lifts Leelee into her arms. "Hi pretty girl!" She gives Lindsey's daughter a big hug, listening intently as unending babbling starts, the words pouring out of Leelee's mouth so quickly Stevie can barely keep up.

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