your opal eyes are all I wish to see

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Stevie takes a deep breath; the scent of honeysuckle travels on the wind, the sweetness hitting her nostrils and conjuring up images of her childhood. The dry air of Paradise Valley in August may be too much for some people, but not for Stevie. There is nothing like the desert for her; it's where she feels free and wild. The deepest part of her soul knows that she was born in the desert and that it is where she belongs. And while she loves the sea and wouldn't trade anything for her views back in Los Angeles, the desert astounds her even more than the ocean does. She revels in it; it feels magical in a way that no other place does: the deep red of the earth, the majesty of Camelback Mountain as it rises from the horizon, the green of the saguaro contrasting with the pink of the bougainvillea as it spills over the fence.

She closes her eyes and turns her face to the sun, feeling it warm her delicate skin. She'll need to go inside soon before she gets a sunburn. But for now, she just wants to soak up the warmth and let it calm her troubled thoughts.

She hears whimpering behind her in the doorway, and that's her cue to head back inside. "Do my babies miss me?" Two little dogs snort and whine at the baby voice Stevie uses when she addresses them. "Do you want some treats, my sweet little baby angels?"

She shuffles into the kitchen and retrieves a few treats for the pups, who spin in circles in delight before taking them in their mouths and running off to the living room to enjoy them. Stevie smiles, shaking her head. She loves her dogs beyond all reason; they are her children and they do bring her unconditional love in the way that all dogs do without question. But sometimes, she admits to herself in the very back of her mind when she's all alone and her defenses are down, she would love to have company in the house who would speak back to her every once in a while.

Luckily, Lori and Jessi are on their way over. Lori had insisted, even though Stevie knew she was getting Jessi ready to go back to school. Her sister-in-law had sounded so concerned about Stevie on the phone yesterday, and she said a girls day would be exactly what Stevie needed. The singer couldn't help but agree.

Stevie inspects herself in the mirror, running a hand over her hair to smooth a rogue flyaway into place, when the doorbell rings. Hurrying to the door before the sound sets the dogs to barking, she swings the huge wooden door open and almost chokes.


"Hi baby." His voice hits somewhere deep within her, the sound so beloved to her that she feels her heart skip a beat. She feels something like a sob escape her throat and before she knows it, she's launched herself at him. Her mouth meets his, and oh- now she's home.

Lindsey drops the bags that he had been holding in each hand and wraps his arms around her waist so tightly that she's not sure if it's that or the kiss that's taking her breath away. She feels completely wrapped up in him, but somehow it's still not enough, and she clutches him even closer to her, like his deep, overwhelming affection is the only thing that could possibly hold her together.

His lips are so gentle against hers, and if she wasn't already almost in tears, these tender caresses, like he'll damage her if he isn't careful, would do it. She can't help running a finger over his jawline, feeling the prickle of stubble under her fingertips and smiling into the kiss when she feels him wrinkle his nose at the sensation. Needing a breath, she leans back the slightest bit to meet his eyes, noting the deep crinkles that mean he's truly happy. Her vision turns blurry as her eyes fill, and she closes them, guiding his lips back to hers once again.

Why is she so emotional? She can't understand it. They've been apart for longer periods than this, and they've separated and reunited so many times in her life she can't even count them anymore. But even so, she feels a lump in her throat threatening to choke her, and she can't help but allow another sob to escape her mouth when she attempts a breath. Lindsey, for his part, just holds her tighter, his hands clutching her as though he's afraid she's going to disappear if he doesn't hold on for dear life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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