i bet these memories follow you around

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Lindsey sinks into the couch in Stevie's dressing room, sipping ice cold water and patting his sweaty chest down with a towel. As he recovers from the show that had just ended, he watches as Karen gathers up all of Stevie's items that need to be packed away; she picks up Lindsey's guitar that he'd been playing before the show to warm up, along with the t-shirt that he'd worn before changing into his current button down. She shoots a disapproving look at him before placing the guitar on the coffee table in front of him and throwing the t-shirt into Stevie's suitcase. Lindsey smirks; at this point, they don't even bother to pretend that they don't basically share a dressing room, and as each show goes by more and more of his stuff has ended up migrating into Stevie's cases and trunks. Lindsey likes it.

"Are you going to get ready?" Stevie sits at her vanity mirror, touching up her makeup. Lindsey drains the rest of the bottle, looking down at where his drenched shirt is sticking to his torso. He peels off the garment, standing to grab a fresh one from her wardrobe. He slips it over his shoulders.

"I can't believe we're really doing this," Lindsey comments, standing behind Stevie and eyeing her through the mirror as he buttons his shirt.

"Me neither. What if we don't recognize them?" Stevie turns to him as he sidles over to her and kisses her cheek, getting a wrinkled nose in response.

"I'm sure we'll figure it out," Lindsey watches as Stevie looks him up and down, giving him a once over before she reaches for his top button and undoes it. Lindsey raises an eyebrow. "Oh yeah?

Stevie gives him a suggestive look, bending down to kiss the patch of chest she'd just revealed. "Yeah. Just for me." Lindsey grips her by the shoulders, pulling her out of her chair and kissing her, practically lifting her off her feet. She allows it for several seconds before pulling back, biting her lip with a smirk. "Now now," she scolds. "We don't have time for that."

Lindsey blows out a breath. "There is a bathroom right there..."

"You wish, mister. We're already late." Stevie turns back to the mirror to to apply one more swipe of the lipstick Lindsey had just kissed off while Cory shows up at the door, waiting to collect her charges.

Tonight, their former bandmates from Fritz had come to the show, and besides Bob, who both singers are still good friends with and see regularly, Lindsey doesn't think he's laid eyes on any of them since 1971.  He knows for sure that it will be the first time all five of them will have been in a room since he and Stevie had left the group before setting off to Los Angeles to try to make it as a duo. Stevie continues fussing, moving on to her hair as she peers into the mirror anxiously. Lindsey takes her hand, guiding it away from her blonde locks. "You look gorgeous, stop fiddling with it." He gives her a quick kiss, being careful not to smudge her makeup again, before turning to Cory. "Okay, we're ready."

His niece leads them to the meet and greet room, where they are greeted with a round of applause and exclamations of welcome. Hugs are shared; they go through introductions to spouses and exchanges of  "you look great" and "I can't believe it's been so long!" He makes his rounds to greet everyone, including several other friends and family members from the Bay Area; Lindsey hugs his brother Jeff, who had been the one to organize this whole meet and greet.

After a few minutes of general discussion of the show, Javier brings out a pile of pictures of Fritz at their peak, much to the delight of the group. They pass the photos around, Lindsey taking a minute to laugh as he's faced with his chosen fashion of the time. In one picture he has clipped hair and mutton chops; in another he had evidently thought that straightening his curls and shaving everything except a beard was the look he should go for. He laughs at a group photo in front of an outhouse; why they thought that was a good idea, he'll never know. He supposes that back then they just thought it would be funny.

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