Chapter 1: The Fall of the King

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Asher's eyes shot wide open, head throbbing, and winced in pain. Blinking wearily, Asher raised his hands to move his hair out of his eyes. It would've worked, had his hands not been tied behind his back and muscles aching with each movement.

Where... Where am I?

Another bump. A searing pain traveled through his skull again. Oh... right...

Asher didn't have the best morning.

Sweat beaded down the side of Asher's forehead, knocked into the ground of the courtyard with an effortless swing from Master Mucro. He sat up and took a sip from his water, weary.

"Make sure to pay attention to that footwork of yours."

"Yes, Master," Asher replied wearily. Don't look so smug...

Mucro was the captain of the Knights of Hearthvale, a brilliant swordmaster with a cunning mind. The young prince, Asher Viewpoint, had been assigned training with Murco just a few weeks prior. As Asher stood to leave, Mucro stopped him, moving in front of him.

"Just a moment, prince..."

Asher looked back at his master, curious.

Mucro placed a hand on Asher's shoulder. The early morning light fell over Lightreach, making Mucro's sabre shine. "Look, Asher... you still have not received your Spark. That's something you must focus on. When the time comes to light the torch, how do you think the people will react when they find out their future ruler can't?"

Looking down, Asher sighed, shuffling his feet. "I know... it's just... what if I don't have a Spark?"

Mucro polished Asher's training weapon, ignoring him. "Your ceremony is in two weeks, Asher, and the kingdom is counting on you. They're counting on someone to guide them through the darkness. You have a responsibility to your people... You can't just stay a kid forever." The knight turned away.

Asher walked home, muttering to himself. "Stupid Spark... should've appeared by now... Lady Aguado's stupid son got it at the age of six, and now where are they? Probably making fun of their Sparkless prince... Stupid Mucro and his dumb, smug face..."

He looked down at his watch. 7:40. Mr. Carnell serves my father tea at 7:30, so father should be finished with his tea in five minutes.

As he approached the castle doors, Asher stopped in his tracks. Everything was eerily quiet. Checking his surroundings, Asher spotted the robotic guards out front were crumpled... defeated. Something had destroyed them. Hesitantly, he kneeled before one, lifted their head gently, and studied them.

"King Viewpoint... gone... Watch..." The guard looked up at Asher. "W... watch out."

"For... what-?"



Now, Asher sat in the back of a van. Tied up in itchy ropes, with a throbbing pain at the back of his skull.


Asher looked up, sighing. "Now what...?"

Thump thump thump...

A blade appeared from the top of the van, causing Asher to pin himself against the wall in shock. He watched as it sawed a wobbly oval into the roof.

Asher blinked. A leg appeared, kicking the metal out and forming a hole. Sunlight filtered in, and then... a face. It looked down, locking eyes with Asher.

"Come over here." It was a girl's voice. Her face disappeared, and a hand reached out. "I'm rescuing you."

Looking down at his bindings, Asher shrugged. The girl sighed and swung herself through her makeshift hole, brandishing a blade attached to her hip. In two quick slices, the rope was split and his hands and feet were free.

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