Chapter 3: Enter Mr. Phoenix!

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Skara and Asher watched the flare shoot into the sky, dissipating into the air. They turned to each other, and then the robot.

"What was that for!?" Skara shouted at Asher.

Asher moved away, covering his face with the little robot. "Why are you yelling at me? The robot shot the flare!"

"Shoot a flare?" the robot beeped.

"No!" they shouted.

Skara rubbed the bridge of her nose, sighing. "Fine. It's ok. Let's just hope nobody noticed..."

Asher looked away, before grabbing Skara's arm. "I think he noticed..."

Turning, Skara squinted, spotting a figure approaching from a distance. Cursing under her breath, she grabbed Asher's arm.

"We have to go. Now." Asher nodded in agreement. Toting the robot behind him, they fled.

The hotel faded from view, as the rolling plains were gradually replaced with thick branches and shrubs. Skara slowed down, gathering her breath, and pointed. "Look, there's a cave right there. We can hide out in there."

She turned to Asher, spotting the robot in his arms.

"You... kept it?"

Asher turned it over in his hands, smiling. "I mean... it's kinda cute, don'tcha think?"

Skara scowled at him, before brushing her hair back and sighing. "Look, just get in the cave. We need to hide."

Asher and Skara situated themselves in the cave, starting a fire with a small amount of Asher's dust. Skara turned over rocks, stabbing at insects with a small stick and collecting water that trickled by, while Asher folded his legs underneath him and studied the robot. The metal panel that had flipped back to reveal its screen was now covering it, and the quiet whirring noises had stopped.

Looks like it's off, now...

"So... how is using this... magic fire dust different than just using a normal fire?" Skara asked quietly.

"Magic is more... er... reliable. To... to start up and keep going. It doesn't require as much work."

"And... how does this work, exactly?" Skara lifted up a pinch of dust and rubbed it between her fingers. She watched it fall to the ground. "I mean... I know it exists and that... people use it a lot in the city..."

The prince scooted closer to Skara. "Look... the dust requires something to activate it. This is fire dust... when you threw the dust in the air and snapped, it created enough heat, that it activated. There's different kinds of magical dust that the people of Lightreach have used to aid them for centuries!"

Skara looked at the dust in her hand, and released it into the fire, watching it expand. Asher watched her play with the dust, before continuing.

"There's five kinds of dust... er, fire... the one you've just used... then there's water, wood, air, and earth..."


"It uh... hard to explain. Dust is tricky... you can combine them to do different things, but it's... well, you have to be careful."

Forming a pile of dust, Skara dipped her flask in the water and poured a little on.
Unfortunately, the dust just got wet.

"Er, that's... not how you combine it." Asher rubbed the back of his neck. "You need water dust."

Skara looked up at Asher. "How does dust come from water?"

"It's not really water itself, it's just... the dust that reacts to form something else... and if you combine the water and the fire, you can get different combinations based on the ratio of-"

"You're boring me." Skara turned back to stabbing insects. Asher looked away, nodding.
"Um... well, if it gets too confusing, they sell this deck of cards that has pre-made mixtures in the card. You just light the card with natural fire, and it burns and activates the cards..."

Skara looked again with interest. "Do you think I could learn how to use cards?"

"Oh, um... yes? They're made to be fairly simple."

Reaching into a bag on the opposite hip to her blade, Skara pulled out a lighter, flicking it open and staring into the flame. The letters "R.R." were engraved on the side.

"This was my father's," she stated. "He left it to me before he disappeared."

Asher's face softened. He looked at the dwindling campfire, and moved to add in more dust.

"Let it burn out," Skara whispered. "Go to sleep. I'll guard the cave."

She stood and walked away, positioning herself on a ledge staring out at the mouth of the cave. Asher did his best to rest, sitting against the wall and watching Skara out of one eye.

Just when Skara was about to relax, echoing footsteps reached their ears. Shooting to her feet, the redhead brandished the knife at her hip, holding it at the ready. Asher moved up, closer to Skara, holding the little robot in his arms. A shadow drew closer, as a pair of shiny black shoes appeared... then a tall man... sharply dressed, with closely trimmed sideburns, and dark, side swept hair streaked with gray.

"Pardon my intrusion upon your... establishment." The man spoke with gravitas, bowing politely. "My name is Mr. Phoenix. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I saw your little flare outside, and tracked you down here."

Skara huffed, putting her blade away, but Asher looked excited.

"You're Mr. Phoenix? Like... from Phoenix Inc.?" Asher gasped. He looked at the small robot in his hands. "So you... so you made this?"

Mr. Phoenix bent forward, studying the robot carefully. "Indeed. But it looks a little... out of order. Perhaps we can take it back to my lab and I can give it a couple repairs."

Reacting quickly, Skara stood between Asher and Phoenix, glaring at the distinguished man. "No." She turned to Asher. "We are not going to this man's lab."

Asher protested. "Why not? He made the robot!"

Skara leaned forward, narrowing her eyes. "Don't trust anyone! Especially not someone who tracks you down and invites you into their home."

"Come on, Skara... he seems nice."

"Seems... but we don't know anything about this guy! Come on, I'm taking that... thing... to someone I trust." Skara grabbed his arm and pulled him away, looking over his shoulder to scowl at Mr. Phoenix.

Mr. Phoenix simply smiled politely, and handed Asher a business card while the poor boy was being dragged away.

Outside, Asher pulled his arm away from Skara. "I don't know why you don't trust him!"

Skara turned on her heels. "I don't know why you do! You... you can't trust anyone, Asher..."

She turned again and kept walking. Asher looked down at his feet.

"Even you?"

Skara stopped. She turned her head slowly. "Come on, Asher... you remember what happened at the hotel. She was nice, but she wanted the bounty on your head."

Asher watched as she began walking away again. He shot a glance at the cave entrance, lingering for a moment before hesitantly following Skara.

I don't wanna live like this... always on the run, always taking orders from... snappy Skara... we were... I thought we were bonding by the fire. Can I really not trust anyone...?

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