The Seperation.

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Walking into school I rolled my eyes at the first thing that I noticed which was typically two people brutally kissing as though their lives depended on it. Gross.

I walked straight to where I knew I would find my friends, greeting a bunch of people who I did not know at all on my way there. The first two people that caught my attention were my friend Zinzile and her boyfriend Sizwe who happens to be my ex from like a few months ago. I never understood how females could do such but I never held it against her, she can find out why I left him on her own since my warnings came across as jealousy.

"Hi guys." I hugged Zinzile and pushed Zizwe's head in a playful manner. They reciprocated the greeting and I went over to Lihle, Kwezi and Akhona.

We were a squad of 5, Lihle was about 5'0 with big ass eyes and extremely big lips, a really terrible combination if you ask me but the boys liked her because she could kiss and had a huge ass that they could play around with.

Kwezi was the light skin of the squad, about 5'2 with a really cute smile and short hair. She had a boyfriend who cheated on her more times than anybody could count but like they say, love is blind so sis could not see the bad in that guy and to make matters worse, he had an ass bigger than hers but she loved him nevertheless. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.

Akhona, the meanest one in the squad, the most controlling one and the richest too. She swore she was the hottest thing since sliced bread. She was about 4'11 with no ass at all, a really nasty attitude and a super cute boyfriend who actually loved her.

And my personal favourite one, Zinzile. She was 5'2, very skinny with enough ass for her body, think about Kendall Jenner with a bit more ass and that's her. She was absolutely sweet but a huge pushover and she lived to impress Lihle and Akhona. Hectic.

Then there's me, the dark skin and foreign girl of the squad even though I easily fit in considering I can speak most of the South African languages. I'm 5'4 with a baby face, a small body to accompany it with and long hair that draws unnecessarily attention. I have more ass than I like to believe I have which makes me seem like an attention seeker to my friends.

I put my bag down and walked over to my friends leaving Zinzile with her boyfriend. I looked over at them and before I could even get a word out, Lihle beat me to it.

"So you still have the necklace?" She eyed me.

"I put it on so I wouldn't forget to give it back. I still need to find him."

"Let me give it to him since I'll see him today. He always comes to me."

I shook my head. "I took it from his hands so the right thing to do is return it the same way that I took it. It's respect Lihle."

The three of them laughed. "Or maybe you just want to see him." Kwezi said.

I squinted my eyes at them. "I don't know this guy and I don't plan on getting to know him. I just want to return his necklace, actually I don't even know why I'm explaining myself to you guys." I rolled my eyes, took my bag and walked away just as the bell rang.

Walking alone with eyes full of tears on the verge of falling, I bumped into somebody and mumbled a quick apology without looking at the person. When I'm sad, I recognise the wrong in the things that I do but when I'm not? I don't care.

"Did Billy just apologise? I think it's going to rain cats and dogs today." I immediately looked up when I recognised the voice that spoke.

My classmate, Sibu stood there with the biggest smile on his face which soon vanished as soon as he got a clear view of my face. "Why are you crying?" He pulled me into his arms.

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