The First Call

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Finally making it back home after an extremely long, boring and unnecessary day of watching my sister pose for pictures as well as flirt with the overly smiley photographer, I sighed and dropped my bag on the bed, already thinking about the sleep that I am going to have tonight.

My phone rings just as I am about to start preparing to take a shower. I look at the caller ID and sigh heavily. Picking up the FaceTime, I stare at Kai as he does the same and we both don't say anything for a little while until I roll my eyes and pull up a middle finger. "Did you call me so we could watch each other breathe?"

He smiles. "Nah but why are you all dressed up? It's 11pm, you going clubbing or what?"

"You in my business? Don't do that." I said while chuckling to myself and walking to my bathroom.


Excuse me? "Your face is lame."

"Your height is lame."

I gasped. "Your- know what? I don't have time for this. I need to go take a shower."

He blinked. "Okay? So go take one."

"Aight I'm dropping."

"Dropping for what? Put your phone down, take a shower and I'll be here waiting."

I scoffed. "Lol you think life is a movie neh?"

He frowned at his phone before cussing. "Lalela I'll call you back just now, please pick up neh?" Then he dropped the call in my face before I could reply.


I chuckled and ran to my room to put my phone on charge before stripping and sighing in content at the feel of the hot water slightly burning my body. I stood in the shower thinking about nothing in particular until my mother popped into my head and I sighed. I don't understand why things always have to be so difficult and secretive with her but at the same time I understood where she was coming from so all I could do was just enjoy her company secretly for as long as she was around until it was time for her to up and go again.

My mother was the type of woman that never wanted kids but had them because the man she was in love with wanted them, she did it all for my father until she found a job that required her to travel a lot which obviously meant that she wouldn't be a present mom in her children's lives and that pulled a strain between her and my father to a point where it pushed her into another man's arms who was obviously more understanding than my father.

Soon enough my mother found out she was pregnant with me, fearing that I could be her other lover's baby she came clean to my father about her affair and he instantly filed for a divorce. They did not know who I belonged to and both men were willing to take care of the baby so they waited until I was born to have a paternity test, I obviously turned out to be my father's daughter and that's how my father took both of his girls away from my mother and vowed to ruin her if she ever tried to come close to us.

I guess she never listened because here I am, meeting her tomorrow after seven months of not seeing her. I hated that I was hiding this from my sister but she wouldn't understand, Belinda hates our mother and there's nothing anybody can say that will change her mind.

I lathered my loofah with shower gel and scrubbed my body, I stood under the water again for about five minutes before closing the water and stepping out. I dried myself off and walked into my room just in time to hear my phone ringing, I answered the FaceTime already knowing who it was without even having to read the name.

"Oouu now drop the towel for me." Kai licked his lips.


"Your face is eww."

I laughed and placed my phone on the bed facing the ceiling while I grabbed the lotion and began to lotion my body. "So where'd you go?"

"Missed me already?"

I rolled my eyes. "Nope, never that."

He laughed. "My girlfriend was in the mood to fight so I had to put her in her place."

"I see." I walked to my wardrobe and pulled out a matching set of pyjamas and slipped into it. I grabbed my phone and placed it on my makeup counter, facing me while I did my face routine.

"I don't understand why you females go sleep looking you applied fish oil on your face."

I stopped what I was doing and busted out laughing until my stomach hurt. "Where the hell did you get that reference?"

"I don't know, I just be saying random things." He chuckled. "I'm funny huh?"

My smile vanished. "Yho hai relax'a boy."

"Relax'a ya masimba."

"Oh-ho." I shook my head.

It was silent for a while, not an awkward silence but one where you're aware of the other person's presence and it's a presence that you're not yet comfortable with so you're not exactly comfortable but you're also not uncomfortable. That type of silence. I looked over at Kai and found his eyes on me, watching my every move. I braided my hair quickly and put my bonnet on before switching the lights off and walking to my bed. I changed my LED lights to red and got comfortable in my bed.

"Woah woah woah. Billy you're not a fucking demon dude, change those lights what the fuck." Kai sat up, frowning deeply.

I laughed. " I even have you sitting up? This must be serious mos."

"I'm serious dude." And he actually did sound serious. I shook my head and switched the lights to pink.


"Ecstatic." He gave me a sarcastic smile. So bloody sassy. "Billy."

I hated when people said my name like that, all serious and stuff. "Pipe down with all of that seriousness, wassup?"

"My bad sthandwa, what are you doing tomorrow? Like I'm being serious."

"Uh...nothing but my day gets busy around 4 pm. I'm going somewhere then, why?"

He nodded. "Alright, I wanted you to go somewhere with me."

"Asking me out on dates already? I wonder what your girl will say." I cheesed.

"Psht please. You're not even all that."

"You only lying to yourself. What time do you want to go?"

He cleared his throat. "We can go around 11. I'll pick you up."

"Aight. No specific dress code?"

He shook his head. "Nah, just be relaxed though."

I yawned. "Aight. I'm gonna end the call now."

He shook his head again. "Nah."

I sighed and closed my eyes, it didn't take long before I drifted into a deep sleep forgetting that I was on a call with Kai.

They're story is starting to build up. They're development is going to be quick but not too quick. Some of us just get attached quickly and easily and that's okay. 🥲

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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