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"MAYDAY MAYDAY! We're losing control of the ship, the likelihood of a landing is slim but we're shy a few meters from an unknown planet!"

"Roger that, put us on approach, preparing coordinates for a safe landing."

"Copy that! Is everyone okay back there!"

Margo shook her head frantically, not in a yes or no way but an affirmative that lets the co-Captain know she's not okay but she trusts their judgment.

A graduate from Princeton university and a top astronomer, Margo took on a job to study the capability of human survival on Mars since Earth's depletion is rapidly increasing.

But now she regrets this decision as she holds on tight to her seat, following safety procedure to brace herself for a rough landing.

"Hey, it's going to be alright hang in there."

Margo looked to her side to see her partner August trying to console her as best as he could. He placed his bony hand on the top of her coily curls to calm her down.

"We have the best Captain on the job and this new planet we may land on could be groundbreaking."

Margo scrunched her brows in confusion as she raked over his calm-ish appearance. "Have you lost your mind?" She questioned rhetorically.

She smacked her lips and chalked it up to his usual white people shit behavior.

"We may crash and burn or land on a dangerous planet and all he can think about is new a discovery?" She ranted to herself. It was aggravating but at least he wasn't whining.

"Okay everyone brace yourselves!" The Captain commanded.

Margo held on tight to her safety handle as she felt the spaceship jostle and bounce, causing her screams to come out in rough hymns.

"Captain! I don't think we can stick this landing! The Stratosphere is too dense!" The co-Captain shouted.

"We have to try, there's no other option!"

A sudden wave caused Margo's ears to pop, only the sound of a high-pitched ringing and muffled screams could be heard.

By the looks of everything she figured this was the end, she knew the risks of taking this job but she figured she could have at least died a non-virgin.


She felt liquid rush out of her nose causing her to touch her lips, seeing nothing but crimson red on her fingers. Her head began to spin and her vision became a blur before she blacked out.


"Basa! My lord... there is a strange ship breaking into our atmosphere. We tried attacking it but it is too late, it has broken in."

"I see... deploy the warriors we shall exterminate these invaders."

"Of course Basa." The pink creature bowed and turned away, scurrying to her duties.

Trigar the 4th, the most powerful and current Basa also known as ruler of Ginma stepped from his throne, dressed head to tone in golden armor.

His long charcoal tresses swept against the floor as he walked over to red eyed dark skinned Pegasus who scraped her foot and huffed seeing her master.

"Calm yourself girl who glides freely, soon enough you may inherit a big meal... we have unwanted visitors."

The Pegasus let out a thundering neigh of approval as Trigard sat on her back while his army of warriors went into position behind him.

"Prepare to show these intruders the might of Ginma! Slash them with our swords, impale them with your furry! Leave not one without a taste of your disdain."

The warriors cheered and Trigard knew he got them rightfully pumped.

"Basa, they seem to be ready. It is time for your command."

His right hand woman, Segna informed him as she sat next to him on her Pegasus. Her bright pink skin sparkling in the starlight and her bald head decorated in a beautiful fin showcasing her beauty.

"WARRIORS! CHARGE!" Trigard roared.

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