Harry and Louis: Blow a kiss, Blow a job ~Sexual~

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 I hazed in and out like a sputtering engine or a stammering radio as I felt my back ache in pain, holding my heavy laptop into the apartment. I dropped the bag by the entrance, as I hurried to the bathroom and opened the mirror cabinet. I rummaged through the bottles and pharmaceuticals until I finally found the bottle of Advil, and popped 2 pills into my mouth as I chugged down a glass of water simultaneously. I tried to be as quiet as possible, due to the fact that Zayn, Niall and Liam were in their rooms, asleep.

   It felt as though there might’ve been a heat wave, so I climbed the stairs to my room, slipped off my suspenders and unzipped my trousers, sliding them off my legs, followed with an unbuttoning of my shirt. I looked down at my striped briefs, then made my way back down the stairs.

   I lay face down on the couch doing absolutely nothing. My back hurt too much for me to do anything. I heard a jingle of keys and the turn of the front door knob. I turned my head to see Harry, his curls bathed in the daylight.

   “Hello there.” Harry said to me, his eyes scanning my body.

   “Hi,” I responded, my voice numb.

   “Are you okay, babe?” He asked me, walking towards me.

   “I’m fine. My back just really hurts.” I turned my head to my left, not being able to see Harry’s face anymore. I heard no response from him.

   Swiftly, I felt two big, warm hands skim up my back, followed by two legs wrapping around my body. I turned around, and from the corner of my eyes I could see Harry biting his lip. He began to dig his thumb into my shoulder blades, causing me to groan in pleasure. 

   Harry continued to massage and rubdown my back, easing the pain. I close my eyes letting Harry continue, until I felt a wet kiss on the side of my neck. He continued to press down into my shoulders, but couldn’t keep his lips away from my neck.

   I moaned; I couldn’t help it. “Harry, the boys are in the other room.” I whisper to him.

   “I am aware of that, thank you.” Harry whispered back in between kisses on my neck.

   I groaned, “No, Harry…” It didn’t stop him, “The boys don’t know yet. We’re in the fucking living room. Please, Harry.” I begged, although I wanted this more than anything, but the boys could not find out.

   “That just means we need to be quiet, doesn’t it?” I couldn’t see, but I could feel Harry’s smug smile.

   “You know I can’t be quiet with you.” I responded, but he didn’t care.

   “You’ll have to try.” He whispered back into my ear, the warmth of his breath hitting against my ear.

   I was still facedown on the couch, as I brought my hand up and dug my hand into Harry’s thick curls, interlocking them into my fingers. “That’s more like it.” Harry whispered. He made room for me to turn around and face him. I looked into his emerald green eyes filled with lust, as my lips brushed upon Harry’s, pleading for entrance. He opened his mouth but didn’t allow my lips to intertwine with his, teasingly.

   “C’mon, Haz.” I whispered, trying to gain access into his mouth.

   “I want you to beg.” Harry whispered back, the heat of his breath entering my mouth.

   “What?” I said, as Harry pulled his shirt off, and returned to tease me with his lips hovering around mine.

   “I want you to beg. Beg, Lou. You’re always the one to tell me what to do, it’s my turn.” He whispered into my ear, biting the lobe of my ear.

    I felt Harry’s heart beat against mine, and it was all I could concentrate on. I want Harry so badly right now; I can’t concentrate.

    “Do you want this?” Harry’s teasing voice breathed back into my ear.

    “Yes, yes I do.” I begged.

   “Do you really?” He whispered.


   “Beg.” He said.

   “Please!” I pleaded.

   Harry dug his tongue into my mouth, wrapping his around mine. His tongue dominated mine, causing me to moan.

   “Shh,” Harry whispered, placing his finger on my lips, “We don’t want to wake the boys up, and we haven’t even done anything yet.”

   I felt his lips curve into a smile against my lips, as he brought his wet, pink and soft lips down to my warm neck. I let him suck on my neck as I unbuckled his belt, and slipped down his trousers.

   I brought my hand down to Harry’s crotch and began to stroke it, feeling him get harder and harder. I brought my hand back to his back, as his crotch rubbed with mine.

   Shivers went down my spine as Harry whispered my name in my ear. I sat up straight, and wrapped my legs around Harry’s body, and falling on top of him. I began to kiss his neck, and went down to his chest. I kissed down the line in the middle of his six-pack, leading down to Harry’s crotch.

   Harry moaned quietly, as I rubbed his cock. I stuck the tips of my fingers into his boxers, and brought his briefs down an inch, allowing a few hairs to pop out. I slid off his boxers entirely, and just as I was about to tease him with it, he grabbed my forearm, and brought me up to face him. He kissed me and I sucked on his tongue. He pulled down my briefs and slapped my bum, getting me to groan.

   “Shh…” He repeated in a whisper. Unexpectedly, he thrust inside of me, causing me to cry out in pleasure. Instead of saying anything about my piercing moaning, he groaned loudly as well.

   He had a slow pace, only due to us not doing this in weeks. It was hard for me to be quiet due to his size, and his slow pace was killing me. “Faster, Haz… Faster…” I whispered to him, my eyes shut.

   “Say that again.” He whispered back, as he went in for a kiss.

   “Faster…” I repeated, and Harry thrust faster and faster, and I couldn’t help but to dig my nails into his chest in pleasure, while he moaned loudly. He hovered his lips over my neck, plunging into me, the warmth of his breath hitting against the surface of my neck. All I could think about was how good he was making me feel. And to think I was about to pass this.

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