Harry and Niall: Regret

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The sun was peaking through the curtains, lighting upon Niall’s face as he continued to sleep on. Huddled together at the end of the bed, Harry sat with his head resting in arms as he sniffled and couldn’t tear his eyes away from his boyfriend of 7 months. 

He shuddered as the alarm clock went off and Niall reached out a hand and turned it off. When he found the cold spot next to him, he looked up and saw Harry at the end of the bed. 

"Harry? What’s wrong?" He asked concerned and sat up rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 

“I love you Niall, you know that right?” Harry said quietly and glanced up at him. 

“Yeah I know, and I love you” Niall replied and laid his hands upon Harry’s.

“I did something bad. Yesterday at the party, Melissa was there and. Emm I got really drunk” Harry started not daring to look up at Niall. He could feel how Niall’s hands were starting to get clammy and was gripping is hands with a tighter and tighter grip. 

“She kissed me and, umm didn’t really stop her to begin with. But I did in after I while, I swear and nothing else happened!” Harry looked up at Niall as tears streamed down his face. 

Niall’s face was a mask of anger as he squeezed Harry’s hands before he let them go and got up. 

“Niall, please” Harry pleaded and got up after him. Watching as Niall quickly got dressed, Harry stood back biting his lip. 

“Please say something” Harry whispered and looked at him. 

“And what do you want me to say Harry? It’s alright? You go and snog as many people you want? I forgive you?” Niall replied, the anger really clear in his voice. 

“Yes, no! I don’t know” Shaking his head Niall grabbed his phone and keys. 

“Where are you going?” Harry asked timidly. 

“Away from you” Niall snapped back and slammed the bedroom door closed as he left. 


The following day the rest of the guys came down and noted the blankets and pillow on the sofa. 

“What you done now Nialler? Did you hug the blankets a bit too much?” Louis joked and reached out to ruffle Niall’s hair. Dodging the hand, Niall continued making his cup of coffee. 

“What makes you think I’ve done something and not Harry?” Niall replied as Harry walked in. Shooting him a glare, Niall grabbed mugs for four of them. Pouring coffee into the mugs, he watched Harry as he froze and wrapped his arms around himself. 

“What could Harry possibly have done?” Zayn chuckled and took a mug of coffee. 

“He cheated. That’s what. Enjoy your coffee” Niall said bitterly and took his own cup and headed back upstairs to the their bedroom. 


Jerking away as he felt something land in his lap, Harry looked up to see Niall walking away. Looking down at his lap, he saw pictures of himself and Melissa kissing. Along with a huge article about how they had apparently spent the night together. 

“Niall!” Harry shouted and followed him into the kitchen. 

“I didn’t sleep with her!” He protested and threw the paper down the bin. Niall lent against the counter and glared back at him. 

“If you did I’d rather you just told me then try and lie to me about it” He said calmly. Shaking his head Harry glared right on back. 

“I didn’t sleep with her!” He repeated.

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