Niall and Zayn: Walking On A Dream

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Dear Soldier no. 1027685

I’m Niall. I don’t really know how to start off a letter like this. My whole family signed up for the letter-writing thing. And I’ll be honest – I have absolutely no clue what to say. So just…let me know if I’m screwing it up, okay?

I suppose I could tell you a little bit about myself. The instructions said that you guys would like that and they’ve certainly been a part of this whole business longer than I have, so it seems like they’d know what they’re doing. So yeah…I’m Niall, but I said that already didn’t I? I’m eighteen – just a young whippersnapper about to start life…though I don’t really know what I want to do with myself yet. I live in London, but I grew up in Ireland. Am I allowed to tell you that? Personal details? I guess I trust that you’re not going to go all crazy on me. Besides, London is a big city I suppose. Uh, I don’t really know what else I can say about myself. I suppose I’m not really that interesting. I just live at home with my parents and my big brother. Hey, how weird would it be if one of their letters went to someone in your division or something! Are they called divisions? I don’t really know anything about the army. I guess I’m not really the best person to be writing these letters…though then again, maybe it’d be nice to hear about stuff that isn’t army related at all. I dunno, do you like being a soldier? Why’d you become one anyways?

I guess now would be a good time to say that I don’t really agree with the whole “sending our men off to fight a war that isn’t even ours” thing. Sorry if you do. I guess this a little awkward seeing as you are in the army…but there’s every chance that you don’t want to be over there. I appreciate it though – your service I mean. And I mean, we’re all thinking of you over here. I wish there weren’t a war, but there is. And you’re over there. I don’t really know how to get out what I’m trying to say. I guess I wish you weren’t – over there I mean. I wish no one was. So yeah, I’m trying to say that I hope you make it back…and I’m here to think of you. Always.

I suppose that’s a weird place to end this, but to be honest, I don’t really feel like writing anything more tonight. So I hope I hear back from you Soldier no. 1027685. That’s a big number isn’t it? Maybe you should just tell me your name.

Speak soon,




Dear 1027685

So I called up the service when you didn’t get back to me. They said that it happened quite a lot, soldier’s not replying. That they usually just liked to hear their name called when the letters were being given out. I hope your name being called out made you happy. I’m sorry that there’s no one else around to write to you. That must be the worst.

Anyway, I hope everything is okay over there. I mean – as okay as it can be in a war at least. I hear a lot of the time, it’s a whole lot of sitting around doing nothing. So maybe I’ll tell you something to entertain you. Though…I find a lot of things funny that no one else does. Oh well, it’s worth a shot isn’t it? Oh, the other day, my two best mates, Louis and Harry got caught making out behind the church. It was ridiculous! The minister went bonkers because you know, it’s not like two gay kids can just make out behind the church, especially seeing as one of them is underage. It was fucking brilliant mate. I hope you’re not a homophobe and can appreciate this next bit. When the minister lunged for them, Lou ducked under his arm and ran back through the church. And he just got his dick out and pissed in the holy water and yelled “My faggot piss is holier than your close minded water!” And just ran out the church. He wasn’t angry though, he was cacking it! My mum went crazy and told me I wasn’t allowed to ever speak to him again, but that’s obviously never going to happen. Sorry if you’re a homophobe…if that’s the case, just ignore the story about my gay friends. They’re good guys though, I promise. You got any mates in the army? I’ve heard the mateship between you guys is like nothing else. Not that I’m complaining. Lou and Hazza are great. Sometimes, I’m a bit of a third wheel though.

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