chapter 2:Fear building up

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[Y/n's POV]


*something in the way by Nirvana begins playing*

'June 12th 2021, it has been roughly a week since Hoshimachi has released her new song 'next color planet'. I had some help in producing the song sure. But she is the main mastermind behind the lyrics, vocals and sound design for the instruments. But we're getting off topic now. Within a week the song has already culminated around 900,000 views on YouTube, around 700,000 listens on Apple music and 800,000 listens on Spotify and still counting. By my estimates it will reach over a million on YouTube and Spotify in less than a week. A week and a half for apple music. But I'm not here to simply review the numbers. I'm here to find the truth out about Hololive's music. What attracts people like flies to these songs? It can't be something as simple as 'cute girl singing really great' no. That can't be it. What I suspect is it must have something to do with radio waves sending hidden frequencies to the mind of weak minded individuals. That is to say 97% of the human population in order to control them and lure them to the prospect of virtual idols and consume more and more products. Of course I'm part of 3% who can see past all these 'idols' facade. Their smiles that hide whatever evil they truly are. Their words and speaking patterns that they use to lessen the masses concern and lower their guard. I have watched and reviewed Hoshimachi's song. I've written all her verses and lyrics and arranged the words to try and find some hidden nefarious message. Came up empty handed. I listened to her song at home and played it in reverse to try and find any hidden messages for her cult like fans. Again nothing. I even watched her music video to try and find something. Hidden within. I used reversed colors, paused at certain lyrical points and again played the video in reverse. Nothing. My findings has once again come up empty handed. They always do. I won't give up yet though. One day I'll'

"Sh*t! I've run out of ink."

I then proceeded to throw the pen away into a small trash can I have positioned near my desk. Open one of my drawers that make up the bulk of my desk and grab a new one. Great last one better go to the hobby store again soon. Now where was I?

'I'll find a way to see the truth of this idol agency my uncle has opened up. My father always told me that he was a bit of a strange man. But I thought he simply ment strange in a way that he was socially awkward. My mind still lingers though. How did vtubers become so popular? How did they nearly take over the world? Something is amidst. I have a gut feeling this is more than it seems to be. I'll find my answers one way or another. Risking my life by working with these strange beings. If someone finds this journal prepare yourself for what I'll reveal in the next coming journal entries. That is if I even live long enough to write about it.'

     I finally close my journal. Feeling the dark leather material that makes up the journal. With masking tape on the front of it that has written on it "y/n's sauce codes" by writing something repulsive on it it'll detour those who are curious and will interpret this as something private they must not read. I grab ahold of it and open back up my desk and place it inside before closing it and locking it with a small key that I have. Looking around my room I can't help but be bothered by the small ray of light passing through my curtain. I walk over to it and fix it, by putting a paper clip between the curtains and not letting them separate again.

     The darkness in my room feels blissful. Before I used to be scared of the dark. I couldn't sleep without a nightlight or anything. I would jump at the slightest noise. But now I realize there is nothing to fear. Infact I feel more safe in it. But I have to leave this cave I feel at home in and go and work so I can keep this fortress I have. Let's see what I should wear now.

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