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Chapter 1 — Unwanted Encounter

Kairus Nathan's PoV

7 years ago...

"Kuya Kai, you ready out there?"

"Yeah yeah. I'm coming."

I started to fix my long hair while I was in the front of our mirror. Its my hobby already, to have a long hair and fix it up like it was blown by the wind.

I smiled partly as I finish everything I need. I held my bag on my shoulder as I went out of our little room.

"Yo. Morning." I greeted them. They were all smiles in this morning.

"You always have that long hair Nathan." My mom scolded me. I just laughed a bit while sitting in our table.

"I do look good with it mom. Besides, long hairs were allowed in the school." I utter as I get some rice, sausages and some eggs.

"You have a nice dream ahead, son. Try to reach it up!" My mom smiled at me. She always had this great motivation and that made me pursue more.

I smiled at them. They are my inspiration. They were the reason why I am striving harder. They are also my strength, and I can't really be OK if something happened in them.

They are just my kryptonite.

"Come back sooner, kuya." I smiled at my little brother as he hugged my legs. He's cute, actually.

"Yeah. I will." I kneel down and smiled at him. I was about to go when my mom stopped at me again.

"Nathan, I'm sorry if you haven't saw your father, he's-" I cut her off immediately with a smile.

"It's ok mom. I'm fine." I gave respect unto her before I wave unto them.

It would be another long time when I'll go back here.

I closed the gate before I go to the Dawn University. I rode a bus heading to the university. It was far but I must pursue it. That school was really prominent ever since, and I was one of their scholars.

Yo. Kairus Nathan Fissolo is my name. Many would call me Nathan, Nate, Kai, or Rus, or even Natan. Age is 23. Studying at Dawn University. I am a 3rd year college student, taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education, Major in Science. This should've been my last year in college but, I need to stop for my brother.

I always remind myself that hardships would always pass by, and every efforts you did will be worth it sooner. At first, some of my batch mates are worried and some are mocking me, but I'm cool with them. In fact, they gave me advanced lessons for me to study.

The moment I stopped by one year, it was very hard for me to accept. Even my professors are bothered of what happened to me. They always ask why, why did I stop for a year?

But I prefer not to tell them the reason. Once is enough, and I'm glad they get my reasons very well. Because of that tough time, all I hoped to be were faded into a snap. In fact, the moment I entered on the first months of class, they immediately entertain me.



"Mr. Fissolo."

I immediately looked away the moment they gaze unto mine. I was feeling uncomfortable with them, looking at me with pity. I don't deserve this, at all. Come on, mock unto me.

I heard some murmurs referring unto me. I smiled at them as I proceed to enter at our university. Their triumph smiles as they look at me with mockery was never been erased in me.

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