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Chapter 4 - Your Gaze

Kairus Nathan's PoV

A year later...

I looked up in front of our school gate. It was my final year in high school. I smiled with that thought inside me.

A month ago, I was recognized as a 3rd placer in our class. My mom was so proud of me. Even my dad did applaud my awards.

"Way to go, son. You'll be an engineer sooner!" He said. I laughed with that thought. My, it would be harder than I thought.

"Yeah. As long as I look forward to my dreams, I think I can." I uttered. He just laughed and patted my back. He was happier than my mom.

I was happy sitting in my seat. Along with the recognition rites, I was just looking at them. They are my inspiration for my hard work. In fact, I was not really pressured by them. They'll even allow me to do what I want, but it was my choice to have this routine or life.

Having my long white hair would be one of them. They both also said that it looked good on me, so I didn't bother to cut it, no matter what it takes.

As I looked around the stadium, together with my classmates, I noticed that he wasn't here. He didn't even attend the recognition rites, although he was the first in the rankings. Did he?

It was my first time to be cool with the rankings. All my life, I was a notorious grade conscious student, but Aamon broke that principle for me.

I guess I'm happy with his achievements.

Damn, this is my first time being happy as a shadow.

When I was called, I never felt nervous, but when he was being called by the commentator, I was even shaking right in my seat. But the moment he was called, I heard a lot of applause, as he walked alone in the carpet.

He was screaming in elegance. Damn, he was handsome as fvck. I bit my lip to avoid his gaze, but most of the time, I was peeking at him!

"Nathan, I saw you." The 4th rank next to me was now smirking. I don't know but I can't contain my smile.

"Damn. He is really handsome." I uttered as I felt the butterflies inside my stomach.

"He's way too far to reach, bro." He uttered. I laughed a bit.

"I know, I know. I can't just help it." I said as I fix my posture.

"I also heard that he has a lot of issues out there. It's just because he is a womanizer, playboy, a relationship-wrecker, and even a gangster." He even counted the issues the issues he knew.

"Ya. I didn't even say I like him." I uttered at him.

"But it's obvious on how you look at him." He retorted. I close my eyes. Fvck I knew he knew it. I bit my lip as I smiled a bit. Why, of all the people here in Dawn Academy, why it has to be him!?

"I knew it." He laughed but I glared at him. I even punched his shoulder and he groaned.

"Don't you ever tell him." I sharply gazed at him. He just smirked.

"Don't worry. Harvey Jay will do keep it." He even salute at me. I was looking at him questionably.

"Are you being serious VJ?" I smirked when I saw his expression. He was all serious!

"VJ!? What the heck dude!? Where did it even came from!?" Suddenly, we heard someone to call our attention. We immediately shut our mouth up and said sorry, but he talked again as he punched my right shoulder. I groaned in pain.

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