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Someone told her,
She could walk on water
Her docile self, doubted for once
Not long after she gave in to the thought
One day she ran down the Isle
The water ever so enticing, called onto her
She rushed into the water,
Down and under, down and under
Epiphany struck her late
Till then she had been prefixed late
Her cadaver was never found
Hearsay passed on the gorgons took her
Or she ran away with her mermaid lover
Or the water punished her, for she has been shady
But what really happened to her?
The mermaids and Loch ness sing her tale
But that is to no avail!

Only if she hadn't been so gullible,
Only if she knew more than little,
Only if she could see the world's stifle,
Only if she had a worthy muse
Only if she could get the clues
Only then,
she could see through the orchestrated ruse.

Vent To My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now