Chapter 2

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"Dungeons and Dragons," Eddie's voice was posh as I placed my tray on the lunch table.

"He's gone off on one again hasn't he?" I whispered at Jeff, getting a stifled laugh.

"No, no, no dear Ari," Eddie waved the magazine in front of me, "Listen to this; studies have linked violent behaviour to the game, saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, sodomy, suicide and even... murder." He stuck his tongue out.

"Yeah, imma about to murder you if you don't shut the hell up about what the white suburban Moms think of us." I laughed. People had thought D&D was some cult for months already when in reality it was a bunch nerds getting excited over some make believe monsters. I loved it.

"Wheeler, Henderson." I nodded at them as they sat.

"Ari!!! Heyyy, how are you? I'm good, thank you for asking." Henderson babbled over his words.

"Weird. Even for you kid." I tossed an apple into the air shooting him a look.

He smiled awkwardly at me.

"Society has to blame someone." Larry grumbled over his food, riled up over the magazine Eddie was reading from, "We're an easy target."

"Exactly." Eddie shook his head, "We're the freaks cause we like to play a fantasy game. But..." Eddie stomped onto the table, shouting now over the whole cafeteria.

"Ohhhh, Cassie is gonna have a field day when I get home." I muttered to myself.

"As long as you're into band, or science, or parties, or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets" The entire school population was now staring at us. I wiggled my fingers at a few of the cheerleaders who were gawking, before jumping forward in my seat, scaring the shit out of half of them. Jeff reached across the table to hit me a high five.

"You want something, freak?" Jason Carver, one of the basketballers stood up.

Eddie stuck his fingers through his hair like horns, growling at him. I couldn't help but laugh at his look of disgust.

"It's forced conforming," Eddie spoke normally as he pranced his way back down the table, "That's what's killing the kids!" He yelled again, jumping off the table, making a band geek almost drop her food, "That's the real monster."

Eddie smiled politely as two cheerleaders walked past. One of them was Cassie.

"Bitch." I hissed, from my seat, reaching down and nipping the back of her ankles.

She jumped, "Ew! Get your hands off me freak."

I shook my head as she sauntered past. Cassandra pretended like she didn't even know me when we were at school. I kinda liked it though it gave me some leverage over her when we were back at the home.

"So, uh, speaking of bitches and monsters, " Dustin started, "uh, Lucas has to do his, uh, balls in laundry baskets game. So..." He chuckled, "...he's not gonna be able to make it tonight."

I looked intently at Dustin.

"And there's no way we're gonna beat your sadistic campaign without him." I'd been helping Eddie with his campaign all year, it was truly sadistic, of course it would be with my brains behind it "So, me and Mike, we were talking, shooting the shit," He paused, "and we were thinking that maybe we might..."

"Postpone." Mike interjected...then the whole table lost their shit. Everyone was yelling over one another, throwing fury at Mike and Dustin. I thought food was going to start flying soon.

Eddie was dead silent.

"Shut up!" He suddenly burst out, "You sayin' Sinclair's been taken by the dark side?"

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