Chapter 5

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Eddie and I had been quarantined to his cousins place, per Dustin's request. Our names hadn't been released yet but it was only a matter of time so it was best we stayed hidden until they could figure something out.

I still hadn't been able to get a wink of sleep, every time I managed to doze off I was startled awake by flashbacks of that night. By the time morning came again I was convinced I'd only had half an hours total sleep.

Eddie jumped out of the boat he had opted to sleep in, hearing rocks crunch under tyres. Someone was here.

"It's probably just Dustin and the rest." I tied my shoelace, rubbing my groggy eyes. I had the pleasure of sleeping on the dusted wooden floorboards, they creaked under my weight. Eddie had thrown me his jacket for warmth and so I kept its leather perched over my shoulders.

"Can't be too careful." His head jittered back and forth scanning the trees, wrench in hand. He relaxed after a moment, "I don't think there's anyone there." He backed away from the door.

"See I told--Jesus!" I jumped as Robin burst through the door, three more heads popped in behind her, "Delivery service!" Dustin grinned.

"Thank god," I sighed, realising I hadn't really ate in a few days, not that I was sure I could stomach it.

"Thanks." I took the bag hastily from Steve.

"No problem." He smiled, "I'm Steve by the way."

"Oh, I know." I raised an eyebrow at him, "I know exactly who you are, I just didn't want your head to get too big."

"Too late." Max deadpanned, "It already is."

"Hey!" Steve threw his hands up, "It's not my fault I'm irresistible to the ladies."

"Sure Harrington." I munched, clapping him on the back as I crawled into the boat to eat, sitting cross-legged facing Eddie.

"So," Dustin started, "We got some good news and some bad news. How do you prefer?"

"Bad news first, always." Eddie looked at him like he was stupid.

"Works for me." I shrugged.

"All right," Dustin clapped his hands, "Bad news. We tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our Cerebro and they're definitely looking for you both. They found your jacket, Ari, on his living room floor. And your sister confirmed to the cops that you haven't come home."

"That sly cow." I muttered.

"If Eddies suspect number 1, Ari's 2." Robin informed.

"They're pretty convinced one of you killed Chrissy, or actually, both of you." Dustin's tone was unconvincingly light-hearted.

"Like, 100% kind of convinced." Max solidified.

"And the good news?" Eddie asked, running a sweaty palm over his thigh.

"Neither of your names have gone public yet." Robin was leaning against a shelf, "But if we found out about you, its a matter of time before others do. And once that gets out, everyone and their shallow-minded mother is gonna be gunning for you two."

"Hunt the freaks, right?" Eddie's eyes were teary.


"I gotta go back to the home. I have to let Miss Penny know I'm okay, she'll be losing her marbles by now." I ran a hand through my hair.

" can't." Max stopped me, "We ran by the orphanage this morning. The place is swarming with cops. Probably interviewing every poor kid in there."

"Oh god," I mumbled, "Miss Penny..."

"It's okay though," Dustin calmed, "We have a plan. We find Vecna, kill him and prove your guys innocence."

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