Chapter 3

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I dabbed at my ear in the dimly lit bathroom. Eddie had run down to the basement to meet Dustin and Mike's new player, I assured him I would be fine.

The blood had smeared halfway over my face with me rubbing it in panic earlier. Scratching the last of it off, I splashed some cold water on my face, taking a calming breath. My reflection stared back at me. My eyes looked dull, their normal green sparkle, void. My skin was deathly pale too, looked like I hasn't slept in weeks. I closed my eyes tightly, trying to feel normal.

The creak of the bathroom door made me jump, I turned to see Chrissy Cunningham staring at me, "You scared me." I spoke, turning back to the mirror I shook my hands through my hair, trying to act nonchalant.

"Sorry." She mumbled, I could see her picking at her fingernails in the reflection.

"Chrissy," I turned to her, "Are you alright?"

"Hmm?" She looked at me, "Fine."

"You should speak to someone if there is something going on."

"What I'm getting from your boyfriend is going to make it better." She nodded, as though trying to convince herself.

"Look, coming from someone who uses, drugs aren't the answer," I paused, "And he's not my boyfriend."

"Why are you trying to help me?" She asked, "Cassie has told me what you're like, and from what she's said, it's not like this, not...nice."

"Surprise." I gave her jazz hands, "I'm not the she-devil herself, besides what Cassie says. I'm surprised Cassie even talks about me, she likes to pretend I don't exist."

"She's told me everything." Chrissy shrugged, "I think I'm the only one who knows."

"Probably." I reapplied my liner, my tears having wiped it all off.

"You're lucky to have him." She spoke again.

"Who?" I purposely smudged it.

"Eddie. He was worried about you, out in the forest I mean." She came and stood next to me, "He was trying to hurry it along to go find you, but he was trying to make me feel comfortable too. Seems like a nice guy, despite what everyone says."

I looked at her, she was a head shorter than me, "Everyone sees us as freaks, him as a freak. He plays into it. I think he's just being defensive, he doesn't like people seeing the other side of him."

"Aren't all guys like that." She pulled a gloss from her purse, applying it timidly, "Can't been seen as anything less than the manliest of men."

"I guess." I shrugged, "Look, I gotta go, nerd things to do," I chuckled, "You're cool Chrissy, if you need anything let me know."

"Thanks." She smiled, "You're cool too Ari, despite what everyone says."

I smiled at her.

"Good luck with Eddie!" She called after me as I pushed on the door.

"What?" I turned quickly, confused. She pointed to my wrist, where I'd absentmindedly tied the bit of red flannel.


"So this is Sinclair's infamous sister." I heard Eddie's mocking tone as I tumbled down the stairs to the basement.

"I'm here!" I panted, realising I was late.

"Ari!" Eddie greeted, "Look at what Wheeler and Henderson have dumped on my doorstep."

"Erica?" I couldn't hide the surprise in my voice as she turned around.


"You know this child?" Eddie asked.

"Of course." I chuckled, "There's not that many female D&D players around, you kinda get to know the few that there is."

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