Chapter 4

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The gungan, Jar Jar, led you to a swampy lake and instructed you to follow him into the water. You exchanged glances with Master Jinn as you took careful footsteps into the water. Qui-Gon nodded as the water got deeper, before you plunged in completely under.

It took a minute to adjust to the murky waters, but as you followed Jar Jar deeper and deeper into the marsh, you saw a light and then a dozen lights, until you floated to the steps of an underwater city on the lake floor.

You pushed through a sticky plasma barrier and emerged to fresh air inside the walls of the gugan city. Jar Jar clapped as he gestured around him, "Ta da! Messa take you to hidden city."

You nodded in thanks, but were immediately surrounded by other gungans looking at you suspiciously. "No, Jar Jar, why yousa bring outsiders here?" one of them asked.

"We are ambassadors from the supreme chancellor," Qui-Gon responded, "we are sent to convene with the Queen of Naboo."

"We no recognize the Queen," one of them restored, "yousa answer to the boss down heren."

Qui-Gon calmly followed the gungans through a few halls and into a large chamber, "wait out here," Master Jinn said to you and Obi-Wan, "keep an eye out for any trouble."

You and Obi-Wan nodded, covering your heads with the hoods of your cloaks and standing outside the large chambers. You crossed your arms as Obi-Wan paced back and forth. "Your pacing is not helping, you know," you teased Obi.

He sighed, coming to a halt in front of you, "I don't like the water, I would like to get out of here."

You uncrossed your arms and shook your head, "you forget I know you better than anyone, it is not the water that is causing your anxiety."

Obi-Wan hung his head lightly, "no, it is not."

"Then what is on your mind?" you asked lightly.

He sighed, "I- its nothing."

You shook your head, "that doesn't work on me either."

"I just could have lost you today, seeing you wounded and in pain, it hurt me more than anything I ever felt," he whispered.

You desperately wanted to wrap your arms around him, but you dared not do it with so many eyes around you. You placed a hand on his shoulder instead, "but you saved me, I am standing here now because of you."

"But what if I wasn't able to," he snapped, "what if it didn't work or what if I am not around next time."

You shook your head, "then it will have been my time to go, you cannot change the future Obi-Wan, when it is my time, there won't be anything anyone can do to stop it."

Obi-Wan looked hurt, "and what if I cannot let you go so easily."

You opened your mouth to speak, but Qui-Gon emerged from the doorway and interrupted, "we have been given a water speeder, we will emerge at the capital city from the planet core."


An hour later, your water speeder emerged from the clear waters surrounding the main palace of Naboo. You, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon and Jar Jar quickly climbed out of the speeder and carefully jumped onto the beautiful bricks of the capital grounds.

"Jar Jar, wait here and watch the speeder," Qui-Gon said, "we will enter the palace and locate the Queen."

"Mesa supposed to stay here? Alone?" he exasperated.

Qui-Gon nodded, "we won't be long." You followed Master Jinn into the palace, sticking to the shadows and searching for the Queen.

You stopped suddenly, something not feeling right. You grabbed Qui-Gon's arm and stopped him from walking around a corner. He looked at you in confusion for a moment, then you pointed around the corner.

You carefully peaked out from behind the wall and looked around. There was a whole battalion of battle droids surrounding a small group of well-dressed people.

You leaned back around the corner, "battalion of battle droids, master, looks like it could be the Queen's escorts."

Qui-Gon nodded, "what's the play?"

You peaked again, studying each droid and each outcropping of the walls. You noticed there was a small bridge above where they stood, it likely connected to one of the halls near where you were standing.

You leaned back over, "there is a bridge above them that has to connect to one of these hallways," you said gesturing to the bricks around you, "I can get to the bridge undetected and come down on the droids from above."

Obi-Wan nodded, "what do you need from us?"

You smiled confidently, "back up, but I probably won't need it," you teased.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan both chuckled lightly. Then Master Jinn nodded for you to move in. You climbed up the outside of the wall next to you and swung into a small window on the next level. As you had expected, the hallway lead right to the covered bridge. You carefully crept towards them, careful not to make any shadows or sounds until you were directly above the droids.

As you looked over the Naboo people more closely, you realized that one of them was dressed in a beautiful red gown, while the other women surrounding her were dressed in beautiful, yet less extravagant robes of red and purple. This had to be the Queen and her handmaidens, and the few others surrounding her must be her personal guard.

You wasted no time, jumping from your position, igniting your lightsabers in mid air, and easily slicing through the droids. The ones on the far end from where you stood began firing, but you easily blocked all of their shots, sending it right back towards them.

In no time, the droids were eliminated and you deactivated your sabers, securing them back on your belt. You stood up from your crouched position, just as Master Jinn and Obi-Wan emerged from behind a wall.

"My lady, we are the ambassadors from Chancellor Vallorum," Qui-Gon said as he came to stand next to you, "my name is Qui-Gon Jinn, these are my padawans (Y/N) and Obi-Wan."

The Queen nodded in respect and spoke in a lowered voice, "thank you master Jedi, but I now must return to my palace, my people need me."

"My lady," you interrupted, "we must get you back to the senate, it is not safe for you here."

"I will not leave my people," she spoke again, her tone turned commanding.

"The trade federation has invaded this planet, they are now in control with a force of thousands invading every part of this planet," Obi-Wan added, "you cannot hope to defeat them without the backing of the Republic senate."

One of the handmaidens whispered to the Queen, "they are right, we need to speak to Senator Palpatine."

The Queen nodded, suddenly changing her mind before nodding to her personal security. A man stepped forward offering Master Jinn his hand, "captain Typho of her majesty's security team," he introduced, "there is a cruiser in the main hangar bay that we can use to get off this planet, but I am not sure how to evade the blockade surrounding the planet."

Master nodded, "leave that to me, just get us to the cruiser." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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