chapter twenty-nine: the plan

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You can hear Cara returning from the cockpit as you pull the tunic over your body. Her return makes you hesitate. You can sense that she is no longer angry; in fact, she's a little giddy about the situation they're about to get themselves into.

Sighing, you look down at your robes and tie the familiar belt around your waist. It's been so long since you've worn something of your people... it's strange. Comfortable.

I'd forgotten how comfortable the robes were.

The tan coloring was slightly darker than your old robes were. Dark brown boots are laced to cover your shins and uniform trousers. Folds of cloth cover the dark tunic that dons your torso, tied together under the standard Jedi belt. Long, flowy sleeves cover your forearms, hiding the scars that decorate them. You lift your hair out from where they were tucked in the collar of the robes, letting the dark strands fall around your shoulders.

When you close your eyes, you feel at home. As if everything was made right again. As if everyone had survived. And then your eyes flutter open again... and you remember.

You step out of your quarters and make your way to the cockpit ladder. Cara's whistle call stops you, catching you off-guard.

"That's a nice look for you, Alora."

Looking over your shoulder, you smile bashfully as Cara shoots you a wink. She's sitting against the wall, cleaning her weapon in preparation for landing.

"It's a look long overdue," you say softly, starting to hoist yourself up the ladder.

Din's messing with the controls on the dash as you step into the cockpit, walking to sit in your chair. You cross one leg over the other and lean back, lounging in your seat. Letting your arm hang lazily over the armrest, you rest your chin in the other hand, arm propped on the side of the chair as you stare out into the lights of hyperspace.

You start to fidget, nervous after Din's kiss. The feeling of Din's eyes on you is heavy, and a wave of jitters washes over you. You cough nervously and flick your gaze over to your Mandalorian for a moment.



"Well, you're staring at me," you mumble into your hand.

"Well, you're... you... your clothes."

"Yes?" Your eyes slide from the window to Din, who's leaning towards you. He's swiveled his seat to face you. His chin rests on his hand in the same manner as yours is, and his body is turned to face you.

"You look... good."

"Wow... you're quite the charmer," you smirk, moving to mimic his sitting position.

"Aren't those your Jedi robes?"

"Yes... I thought I'd look the part," you murmur, your eyes traveling to the window once more.

Din grunts in approval, still watching you as your eyes flutter closed. Your eyelids feel so heavy, and yet, you know you won't be able to sleep.

"You should be resting, Alora."

"I'm fine. It's not like I'd be able to sleep anyway." Your eyes open and settle on Din, softening at the sight of him. Just looking at him... it brings you comfort.

Din nods slowly in thought before sitting up and outstretching his arms. "Come here," he says softly.

You rise from your seat and settle into his lap, sitting sideways to lean into his shoulder

"You need rest," he whispers, readjusting your body so that you're completely on his lap. Your legs hang over the sides of his chair and you nestle into his shoulder, smiling into his neck.

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