chapter thirty-one: the heart

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Karga and Cara were not that far ahead, as they'd slowed their walk in the hope that you would be following them.

Cara smiles at the sight of you, but the smile quickly fades when she sees that Din isn't at your side and the tearstains that are on your cheeks.

"He's fine," you hiss, your own pain returning as you walk over to them. "IG-11 is helping him. He'll be here soon."

Cara nods and Karga offers you his arm for support as you wince in pain once again. You take it, leaning on him slightly when your burns sear in pain.

"You're burned badly," Karga murmurs, staring at the burned-away cloth of your robes. The explosion had set fire to your clothes. You had known this, but not realized how much you were burned in the process of putting out the flames and fighting to get to Din. Blisters cover the palms of your hands and snake up your wrists. The skin on your neck and shoulders is blistered and bleeding, as well as some parts of your arms. Ash and dirt stick to the wounds, and the blood that's starting to trickle from them is making the burned cloth and your matted hair sticks to the skin.

You wince when Karga's arm brushes against the wound, and you can hear his faint apology. Your entire body aches from the exertion of the fight and the pain of your wounds. Bruises are starting to form around your throat, shoulders, and arms from the chains that the troopers had tried to restrain you in. The adrenaline and emotions had kept the pain at bay until now. These wounds plus the burns... you're not in good shape.

"I'm fine," you grunt, staring straight ahead to focus on your walking. "Once I get bacta on them, it'll go away."

The group continues on for a few steps, freezing when there is a muffled explosion from where you had just left Din. You spin around as your stomach plummets in fear. A beam of light appears in the darkness, a flashlight of a sort, and you reach for your saber.

When Din steps out of the darkness, being supported by IG-11, you whimper in relief and run from Karga's support towards him. His walking is unsteady and slow, and he sways a bit when he stops to catch you in an embrace. Tears of joy and relief stain the cloth around his neck as your face presses against it, and you can feel Din's arms slowly wrap around you. IG-11 steps away from Din to allow the two of you to embrace and Cara quickly hands the child to the droid, ready to step in and provide Din the support he needs.

"I got my ass up," Din wheezes, tilting his head to rest it on yours.

"I would've kicked your ass if you hadn't," you mumble into his neck.

"We have to keep moving," Karga says quickly, stepping forward to offer you his arm again.

You reluctantly step away from Din's embrace, taking Karga's arm and trying to hide your wince of pain from Din.

"Allow me to help." IG-11 makes his way over to you, his metallic hand turning into some kind of spray dispenser. Karga steps away to allow the droid to treat your burns with bacta spray and you grit your teeth against the sting as the spray spreads along your neck, back, and shoulders. The droid steps away and watches as you huff in pain for a moment before visibly relaxing. The spray seems to cool the burns, and relief floods your body. Karga steps forward to offer you his arm and you take it, starting to walk again.

"I got you," Cara mutters, slipping under Din's shoulder to provide him support as he lumbers ahead to follow you.

You can hear his muffled groans of pain as you walk, and you're fighting to suppress your own as Karga looks down at you in worry.

"Why... why does Alora need help?" Din groans, worry leaking through his modulator. "Is she hurt?"

"Worry about yourself for once," you grunt, just as Cara mutters a confirmation.

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