When They Become Your New Parents

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Tony Stark & Pepper Pots (Iron Man)- One day, while coming up to see her husband, Tony Stark, Pepper has some wonderful news to tell him.  When she arrived at the house, Jarvis, Tony's AI answered the door.  "Hello Ms. Potts.  Shall I inform Mr. Stark that you're here?" He asked.  "Not yet, Jarvis. But thank you though.  I have some news that I would like to share with him." She said.  "I understand, Ms. Potts.  If you need any help, please let me know."  He said as Pepper got to work on the big surprise for Tony.    Once everything was in place, Pepper had Jarvis call Tony into the kitchen.  "Sir. Ms. Potts is here and she has something important to tell you." He informed him.  "Thanks Jarvis." Tony said as he came upstairs and saw Pepper in the kitchen. "Did you make dinner?" He asked her. "No. I thought we could got out, but I need you to check the oven for me." She said as he went to the oven and saw a bun in the oven.  "Pepper? Are we-?" "Yes Tony."  "I'm going to be a dad! I'm telling everyone with the #Irondad!" He said with joy. (Time skip to the birth) 

Pepper's water broke around midnight and luckily Tony is Iron Man, for he got his wife to the hospital in no time flat.  After a six hour birth, Tony's and Pepper's daughter/son was born and they named their daughter/son, y/n Stark.   "Tony? Would you like to hold your daughter/son?" Pepper asked him as he smiled and she placed you in his arms.  "Hello my sweet girl/boy.  I'm your daddy and the beautiful woman over there is your mommy.  We are so happy you're here." He said as you snuggled into his chest.  "Sleep sounds good. Don't you think so, Pepper?" Your daddy asked your mommy, but you and her were fast asleep.  "Yeah. Sleep sounds fantastic." He said as he wrapped his loving arms around you and went to sleep. 

Thor Odinson & Jane Foster (Thor)- It's been two years after Thor had Jane to marry him. She was overjoyed to be with Thor, since her ex was nothing but a jerk to her, but not Thor.   Frigga was proud of her son, but Odin wasn't too pleased. "You're a God, Thor! Not a human!" He said as Loki came in.  "I heard yelling." Loki said as he saw Jane in a wedding dress and knew what was going on.  "I will not have her here!" Odin said.  "Odin! Jane Foster is a nice woman and our son picked her.  Now would you rather see our son happy or miserable? For I do remember your father say the same thing about me." She said as Odin remembered how his father treated Frigga before they wed.  "Thor, my son.  You have my blessing to wed Jane Foster." He said as Thor thanked his father and kissed Jane.  (Time skip to 9 months pregnant) 

When Frigga and Odin were told that they were going to grandparents and Loki was going to be an uncle, Frigga was over the moon with joy.  Frigga had been planning the nursery since the day Thor and Jane had gotten married.  "It's a beautiful nursery, Frigga." Jane said.  "Please dear call me mother." She said as Jane felt a sharp pain.  "Thor, it's time." She said as Frigga called Odin, Loki and the healers.  "No boys allowed until the baby is born." She said as she closed the door and went to help Jane with the birth.    Thor was so worried about Jane and their child. "Don't worry son. Jane is like you and your mother.  Both of you are very strong people." Odin said.  "Thank you father." Thor said.   Just then Frigga came out of the room.  "Mother? Is Jane and the baby okay?" Thor asked.  "Yes, my son.  Your baby girl/boy is healthy and Jane is resting.  If you, your father or Loki would like to see the baby girl/boy, you can." She said as she went to go clean up quick.  Loki was worried about meeting his little niece/nephew, so he went to his room to look for his old baby blanket that Frigga had made for him.   Odin was so proud of his son, but an urgent matter occurred and he had to leave to go and tend to the matter.  Thor got to spend some father-daughter/son with his little girl/boy.  "My little warrior. I'm so happy to have you in my life as well as your mother." He said as the baby cooed softly up at him.  "I think we all could use some rest." He cooed as he placed his baby girl/boy into the bassinet and went to the chair and went to sleep.  

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