10. Three Second Rule

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"Fuuuuuck! Who told you you can decide this! If you ever lay a hand on my man I swear I'd pull your intestines out very slowly while you still breathe!" Vegas finally yelled as loud as he can after Mr. Wong turned his back from them as a sign that whatever they had discussed, he had already decided. The dangerous looking Yakuza looks my way and lick his lip like a crazy mongrel. His eyes bore languidly in my naked torso down to the centerpoint of my being. The fuck is wrong with this evil Mr. Wong!

"Don't look at him! Bastard don't go near him! Don't you hear me! I'll gouge your eyes out if you don't stop looking at him! Shit! Fuck! Pete!" Vegas struggled against his ropes again and again as the man drew more closer to my direction. Even if we're a few meters apart from each other, I can see the fear and rage in my man's eyes. I know that he'll put into action every threat that he said just now once he gets himself free from those ropes. I know he'll do everything to see to it that I don't get hurt.

Why am I so stupid to keep on forgetting how much Vegas loves me?

"Vegas. Calm down a bit. You'll only put Pete in much greater danger if you keep doing that with your mouth." I heard Khun Kinn trying to ease Vegas' anger down. But of course it wouldn't work. I'm the only person who can stop that demon from rampaging. Only me can tame him.

"Don't tell me what to do Kinn! What do you expect me to react? Do you want me to smile or just break down crying like a little boy? Do expect me to be happy seeing my lover about to get hurt? God damn it!" Vegas shouted curses as the Mr. Wong finally squatted down in front me. His grinning maniacal face showing his yellowish teeth makes me want to puke.

"Hello." He greeted me a little cheerfully in English. I back away as far as I can.

"What do you want!" I snarled at him as hostile as I could. Wong looked back at Vegas and gave him a little nod while pointing at me.

"Oh I like him already Mr. Vegas. This one here is quite feisty and cute." He said smiling even more broadly. He reminded me of that one serial killer I saw in a documentary. The one who wores a clown costume and abducted little boys as his victims.

"Don't fucking look or touch him!" Vegas yelled continuously but it only made Mr. Wong crazily delighted.

"Do you know what the big boys like us talk back there sweetie? Are you dying to know?" He taunts at me and tried extending his fingers to touch my nose but I move away just in time to avoid it. He chuckled in amusement.

"Tell me!" I demanded.

"Pete! Don't listen to him. Don't let him get into your head. I promise I'll get you out of here. Just don't even consider that fuck head's options!" Vegas warned me as he continued to struggle. I began to pity him as I know he'd get bruises from the tight ropes that binds his wrist soon. I just know.

"I told you to shut up already! Do you want me to consider the third option and just put a bullet into this sweetheart's skull? You don't want that right Mr. Vegas?" Mr. Wong had gone a little serious this time and pointed the end of his gun into my temples. Vegas finally stopped struggling but glared at the Yakuza in front of me with the uttermost hate and disdain painted all over his face. I tried smiling at him and he somehow relaxed a little.

Actually this is all my fault. If only I was a less harsher with him earlier, maybe we wouldn't reach this part. Why do I have to act like a bitch back there? There no one to blame with all this but me!

VegasPete's Vacation (FF)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin