Chapter 12

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Sakura's P.O.V:

I couldn't believe what had happened to me. It hit me then, right there in the hallway with Sasuke. As he pushed me into a sitting position, hands still placed on my shoulders, it hits me like a brick coming from nowhere, I relive the memories of a couple minutes ago, sending me into complete shock.

It was after gym finally and I couldn't wait to get out of there. Some of the girls in the class had been giving me weird looks all during the whole hour and a half of exercises. I don't have any friends in this class and what's worse is that some of the people are from my middle and elementary school. They were unpredictable and I had to have my guard up at all times. Going into the change rooms I deciding my best safety precaution would be to change in the stalls. Even if it did look weird to change away from the other girls, I figured Id less likely get targeted. So I went to my locker grabbed all my stuff and walked to one of the stalls also located in the change room. I stealthily walked past all the girls and around the corner. I quickly glanced around to make sure no one was near by, just in case. The coast was clear. So I stumbled into the small stall with all the things.

I was in the middle of taking my shirt off and my sports bra when I heard voices coming toward me. Suddenly scared that they were coming in my direction, I quickly grabbed my day bra and threw my arms threw. Just as I buckled the back of the bra someone started raping on the door, making me freeze in my tracks. It started up again within seconds, "Sakura! Come out here I need to use the washroom." I couldn't recognize the voice but I had a bad feeling about opening the door. I paused terrified of the person on the other side.

More knocks slammed onto the door and I couldn't help but look around my tinny stall to try and find an escape route. Unfortunately I couldn't crawl to the next stall because it would be obvious where I was and the next stall over didn't have the door locked. As I frantically think of what to do I see hands appear at the bottom of the door, they gripped the bottom and suddenly the door was lifting up a few inch's and pushed toward me. 'Oh no!' I thought. 'They just unlocked it from the outside!'

As I stand there horrified clutching my shirt to my chest, I could feel my eyes widen and my body begin to tremble when I see who's on the other side of the door. Karin.

She has bright red hair, red glasses and a snarky attitude. Her clothes have always been on the short or to tight side and she's been my number one bully since I can remember. She grabs me by the arm, yanking me out of the stall and away from my safe hideaway. She slams me into the tilled wall, her goonies pinned my arms down. "If it isnt our old scumbag of a loser, Sakura Haruno. I thought I told you I never want to see your face again. You would think you learned your lesson on graduation day last year, but I guess not. Looks like im going to have to show you what happens when I have to see your ugly face!" , karin says mostly to her goonies. Almost as if I wasnt good enough to talk to.

Before I could think or even react she punched me in the stomach. My body hitched forward to curl into myself from the fierce blow but her goonies were still pinning me in place. I groaned with agony. They didn't usually go as far as physical attacks but it looks like id sent Karin over the edge. 'What did I even do to her? Why does she hate me so much when I've never done a bad thing towards her!' I screamed in my head. I knew that if I spoke my thoughts Karin would only make things worse for me and even if I had the courage, I was shaking to much to verbalize anything coherent. There was only a small pause before the next set of punches and kicks start to unravel onto my already bruzing body. Her goonies only joined in to laugh and make fun of how much of a wimp I was. They pocked and prodded at my hair, witch was completely dishevelled. I was at the end of my endurance of the pain when the other girls stopped grabbing at my hair, "Hey did you guys hear that?" they all stopped to listen, I could hear distinctive footsteps approaching. "Shit Karin, someone's coming." Karin looked overly annoyed but gave me one last kick into my stomach this time the girls let me go and I slumped to the floor. Only to be dragged onto my feet again by Karin's hands around my neck," If I ever see you in my sights again, I swear that I'll do worse then give you a couple of bruises." Then she abruptly let me go so I could hit the floor coughing. When they left and I could stand on my feet I launched myself into the stall. I didnt want anybody to see me like this.

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