Chapter 2

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          My heart is about to pound right out of my chest! Is it just me or are their way to many people here? I mean I heard the rumors of this school being big but seriously three stories! Is that really necessary? There's even a fountain in the yard! I seriously need to talk to my mom about how we could possibly afford this school. There wasn't a single place I looked that didn't have a group of students talking with their friends, witch sent me into ultra panic mode.  If you haven't already figured it out I'm standing at the school entrance right by the huge steal gate, about to completely have a mental break down. 

'Okay, okay. Stay calm, cool and collected. Pull yourself together! Its not like every single one of these people are going to bully you....right?'. I needed to get to somewhere that wasn't crowded by people, somewhere isolated. I spot a long grassy alleyway that leads to the side of the school. 'Perfect!', I thought. I beeline it to the alleyway, as soon as I start walking down it, I immediately look behind me to make sure no one noticed my odd behavior. Thankfully no one had noticed. Just as I start to relax, I smack right into somebodies back. The force of the hit made me bounce off of who ever it was that I ran into and land flat on my butt. I instantly panic and say,"I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going. I swear I didn't do it on purpose!". Slowly looking up my eyes lock with deep black eyes, 'Oh, no', I thought. I had bumped right into the guy everyone was staring at this morning! 'So much for trying to avoid him'.

I had to admit it though, he was very attractive, not that I had any interest in him of course. But his eyes were so deep and mysterious I could just loose myself in them. I try to focus in on something else instead, so I look over his features. He had black hair that spikes up at the back but he had bangs that hung just out of his eyes. It was a peculiar hair cut but it suit him well. He was tall and had a nice build to his body. After my quick examination I stare right back into his eyes, getting completely trapped in them.

After what seemed liked a few seconds, he glared and gave me the dirtiest look, saying,"Watch where your going and don't ever touch me again." He then continued to walk down the alleyway seeming very mad.

'Well I never! That was so rude. Who would say that to someone anyways? I even apologized to him. This is why I hate guys! They always think their in the right and I'm in the wrong.' Furious I stand up, dust off my uniform and go to find my home room. Completely forgetting why I was seeking to go down the ally in the first place.

I was so furious I didn't even notices the other students around me. I could care less about random people that I don't even know right now. I 'm just so unbelievably bothered by this stupid guy that I just wanna punch him. I got to the posting board with all the homeroom classes on it and see that my classrooms on the third floor, 'Okay well at least I know I'll get my exercise for the day'. I head out to find the classroom, ignoring the people staring at me like I'm some sort of freak. It must be because of my hair. I should seriously consider dyeing it, it just attracts unwanted attention. Finally Class 1-D, my home room. I open the already closed door and step into the classroom. I froze, everybody was staring at me. I quickly scan the room to find a seat and avert the attention from me. I spot a seat in the very back, right hand side of the class room. 'That looks nice', I thought. Leading up the stairs, to get to my seat, a leg came out of no where tripping me. I land on my face with my skirt thrown up to reveal my bright pink striped underwear to the whole class. Everyone burst out laughing. My face must of been the colour of crimson because they started laughing even harder at my embarrassment. 
    I scurry to my feet, check to make sure my skirt is where it should be and run the rest of the way to my now very visible seat. I look around to see just who all saw the most embarrassing moment of my life and noticed that I have no one that I know in this class. Now this can be good or this could be bad. Good, in the sense that I don't have any guarantied bullies or past memories to ruin my year and bad, in the sense that the "new" friends I was supposed to make aren't going to want to get to know the underwear girl. I get to my seat and try to erase the embarrassment off of my face.
     'Great. What a wonderful start to the school year. Now everyone knows I wear granny panties', I thought, sighing heavily I stare out the window praying for the day to be over quickly.

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