Chapter 10

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Sakura's P.O.V:

Hinata was trying to politely and as gently as she could, pull me along to the table. 'I cant see this guy right now!' Was all I kept on thinking. My heart was pounding with nerves and with a little excitement. My embarrassment of the bleacher incident turning it all into a slight panic and I could feel my cheeks go red. I looked at Sasuke at the approaching table and realized his expression. He had his face blank staring in our direction, I couldn't quite tell if it was me he was looking at but I could tell that he was on edge by the way his eyes glared at us. 'Gah! Right when I thought we were starting to be on good terms again, I go and get him mad at me.' I tried my best to get Hinata to not go over, she knew my awkward situation. I had to explain to her what had happened between me and mister Uchiha. But I only told her that we had first period together and that we were forced to sit beside each other. In the process we found out that we didn't get along very well. So knowing my situation I was hoping so bad that she would help me avoid any further confrontation but to my dismay Hinata responded with an apologetic tone,"Sakura, I understand why you don't want to go over but I can't just ignore Ino. She was nice enough to sit with me yesterday and I don't want to be rude to her. We'll just go over and leave when we can. B-besides, iii-its just as nerve racking for me." She glanced at the table and for the first time I noticed that Naruto was there as well. "W-well if you can do it, I'll do it to." I told her but was still mentally freaking out. I look at Sasuke again to see his reaction, no emotion, he wasn't even looking by the time we got to him. 'He's obviously still mad at me, but I wonder what i did that was so bad?  Is it because I cheered for him or is he still mad from when I glared at him and spoke rudely in the classroom?' I inwardly groan at the memory and know that that's probably what his problem is. It was so bluntly obvious that he was ignoring my presence that it was starting to get on my nerves. He knew I was coming over but he pretended I wasn't. When we actual did hit the table someone greeted Hinata."Hey Hinata! Who's your friend!?", a very energetic blond girl said. "O-oh this is Sakura, she's the one I was telling you about yestur-day. Sakura this is Ino." I half smiled at her and shyly waved my hand instead of talking. Ino proceeded to say hi as well. Hinata glanced at a guy I didn't know, Naruto and Sasuke, wondering why they were all sitting with Ino. Ino saw this and proceeded to introduce everyone," Ah! I'm sorry everyone this is Hinata and Sakura. Hinata this is Shikamaru, my boyfriend, Shikamaru's friend Naruto and his friend Sasuke" Everyone said hi except for Sasuke. He had his head in the opposite direction of me and I had a strong feeling he was doing it on purpose. I started to get annoyed,'was it really that bad that I was cheering for him like give me a brake! Its not even like I was THAT rude in class,it didn't even seem like he cared then.' I sent a quick glare at him, hoping he'd at least feel that I was unhappy. I got no reaction of course. And then I remembered we were in the middle of introductions so I quickly changed my expression to a smile and hoped no one would notice the change in expression. It took me a lot to fake a smile, I couldn't seem to shake off the wide range of emotions Sasuke was making me feel. On top of that I was nervous, scared that my new acquaintances would start the teasing any second. I was bracing myself for the worst even though I knew that Ino had been nice to Hinata yesterday. It didn't mean that they would like me to. My brain was split. The one side was confused and irritated at Sasuke, still trying my best to figure him out and the other was so unbearable scared and nervous about this small group of people. I inwardly sighed to myself, deciding that the Sasuke problem was a good distraction from my anxiety. As I sat down I thought of him 'how can someone go from actually smiling and laughing, actually opening up to me to frowning, no emotion and ignoring me?' I still had that image of him smiling in my head, he was so handsome then. Of course I subconsciously sat beside Sasuke, maybe it wasn't entirely because of him that I sat there but because I knew I wouldn't want to sit inbetween two people I didn't really know. Also I need my distraction close by in case I need him for an emergency. 
Hinata sat down at the table with Ino s insistence and proceeded to be talked non stop to by Ino. It did not seem like we would be leaving any time soon. The conversations went on and on, some about school, others about home but mostly we all just babbled about random stuff. The whole time this was going on Sasuke didn't say a word to anyone, he just sat there,'why the heck is he even here?', I thought slightly irritated at him presence. And the most irritating part about it all was that I was the one sitting next to him. He was making even more of an effert to not look or talk to me then anybody else.

The others were distracted by one of Naruto's wild adventure stories he had over the summer, so I decided it was time to confront Sasuke, again. I turned to him with piercing eyes, completely focused on what I was about to do. I talked in a low voice so the others wouldn't notice,"Sasuke."

He looked over at me 'seeming' bored. His little facade didn't fool me though. I knew he was putting on a face for the others, trying not to gain their attention. But when he saw the way I was looking at him, he seemed to focus his attention onto me. Forgetting about the others, Sasuke narrowed his eyes at me suspicious, "What is it?"

I didn't quite know how to word it right so I stuck with the widest ranged question I could think of. "What's wrong?"

He didn't say anything for a few minutes and just stared at me. I almost thought he forgot that I had even said anything until he flatly replied,"That's non of your business." "Oh. Is that so?" I calmly stated, knowing better then to leave it at that, "Then why does it seem like your mad at me? Is it something I did? You can tell me." I urged him on. He narrowed his eyes at me, it felt almost like he could see every part of me with that intense stare. But he didn't say anything, he just glared. Confusion swept over my face when he faced away from me to stare into space. Avoiding my questioning all together.

As I was about to push the questions further, not wanting the continued questions to invade my head, I noticed that everyone at the table was looking at me. Like they were expecting me to say something, I blushed from the attention of my peers and shyly spoke,"W-what is it?"  I was starting to get a little scared that they had all heard my conversation with Sasuke. Not that it really mattered, I just thought it would be easier to keep what's happening between me and Sasuke, just between me and Sauske. Everyone glanced at each other and back at me, like I was missing something. It was Hinata who spoke,"Sakura, we were just asking you what you had done over the summer. Didn't you hear us?" Relief filled me when I realized that they hadn't heard our conversation and that to them it had looked like i spaced out, probably on the back of Sasukes head. Considering he was now fully facing away from me, staring at a wall. 'Yes very interesting Sasuke, you made better friends with a wall then actual people.' I bemused to myself. Getting back on track and putting my full attention to my friend Hinata I began to answer her question,"Oh, yeah sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night" I pulled up my right arm for further evidence and explanation. Truth was I had had a hard time sleeping last night and that would be why i passed out before class started today. Anyways I continued with answering her question."I didn't do anything much this summer, I mostly read and shopped with my mom. We're pretty close." I knit picked at my food ignoring the eyes on me. I thought I could see sasuke slightly turned to me now out of the corner of my eye. I looked up to double check. I wasn't expecting what I saw, he was looking at me, only with his head slightly turned but the face he was making looked like he was in pain. No one must of been paying attention to sasuke because no one mentioned anything to him. Instead Naruto was on his feet,"Oh Wow! What did you do to your arm?" "Yeah that looks painful.", commented shikamaru. Ino was staring intensely at my wrist and then back up at my face like she was accessing something more then a clumsy accident.

I blush a bit again, a little nervous about my explanation, would they think I was a total dork/moron if I just told them the one half of the story? ,"ha-haha, w-well actually..." before I could say any more Sasuke rose to his feet with his tray and began to walk away. "Hey teme! Where are you going?" I blinked a few time before inwardly chuckling at Naruto's nick name for Sasuke. "I'm done eating" was all Sasuke said, even though he had a full plate full of food still.  I scrunched up my face, concern flashing threw me. 'What had got him so upset? D-did he think I was going to tell them about him hurting me?'
"Ah, don't worry about him Sakura! Hes kind of a lone wolf anyways. Actually that was the first time I could actually get him to eat lunch with us. Tch, the stupid teme is stubborn."
"Oh, are you two good friends then?"
"Eh? Hmm, id like to call him a friend, yes." Then he smiled hugely and sat back down.

After all that I explained how I had fallen out of bed to get my sprain and we all laughed at my clumsiness. The rest of lunch went on with peaceful conversation, my nerves easing every bit of the way. But in the back on my head concern for Sasuke was nudging at me persistently.

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