Class? | Zombies |

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Leo: Frontliner/Tank
A bit like All-Star, but more focused on standing their ground if in a group, if solo then focuses on taking less damage.

Scorpio: Flanker/Assassin
Some kind of mix of a Sneaky Imp and Headstrong Super Brainz. They focus on destroying enemy lines and creating distractions.

Cancer: Magic/Alchemist
Has similarities to the Scientist, Captain Cannon and the Wizard. They focus on certain potions to cripple enemies and help allies regen faster.

Aries: Ranged/Musketeer
A mix of Super Brainz and Captain Deadbeard. Being able to use special ammo to take down enemies fast, but being limited. Their melee power is below average.

Sagittarius: Debuffer/Scholar
Being able to identify weaknesses of enemies, apply ailments and stripping away their defenses, they are very useful, but they can't exactly fight meaning if caught alone, without a doubt, dead.

Capricorn: Scout/Crow Handler
Rival to the Raven Handler. They focus on finding enemies hiding or their sneaky position. Relaying information to their allies.


I'm being real here, I'm looking at a fucking page on Fantasy Classes. To find something for each Zodiac. Hope y'all like them.

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