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I ran as fast as I could through the woods, still bare footed. They killed that man. Just to get me. His death is on my hands.

I can still hear them yelling my name and telling me to stop running. If they find me, Vater will put me back in the metal room but this time.. for weeks.

Finally, after running for what felt like miles, I saw a street up ahead. I was about to run towards the road until I saw 4 boys walk in the woods with flashlights.

I quickly hid behind a tree, not wanting them to see me. They might think I'm a danger and I don't know if they're dangerous.

"Did you hear that?" One of them said, scared. Now I feel bad. They look like they're trying to find something and I might of scared them into not wanting search anymore.

"Yes" they rest replied then shined their lights towards me since that's where the noice came from. "Who is that!?" One of them said scared, after seeing me.

I quickly went behind the tree to completely hide myself but it's to late. They already sage me.

"Hey! We saw you!" One of them yelled. "Shut up. Don't scare her" one of them said. Now foot steps are heading my way.

"D-Don't" I managed to say, not really liking the feeling of speaking English. I don't know if I'm allowed to. Their American and on news papers, I've seen that they don't like my kind.

"We won't hurt you. I'm Mike. Please come out and I'll tell you who my friends are" Mike said. I thought about it then sighed low. I have to show that I'm normal even though I know I'm not.

"Hey. Uh- like I said I'm Mike. This is Sinclair, Dustin and Steve" Mike said, pointing to each of his friends after I came from behind the tree.

"What's your name?" Sinclair asked. He's black. Maybe they might be okey with my kind. Why else would he be here if they aren't. Or maybe he needs help.

"D-Do you need help?" I asked, looking at Sinclair. "What? No. Do you?" He asked. "Really?" I asked, not knowing if he's playing the roll of being their friends so he won't be punished.

"I'm sure. Are-Are you okey?" He asked worried, after looking down at my ankle that's very bruised. "Yes" I said quickly.

"Tell us your name" Mike said, trying to keep a calm voice so he won't come off as being a scary person.

"Scotlyn" I said. "That's a very pretty name. Welp. Let's go" Steve said about to walk away but Dustin held him back.

"Don't be rude. Look at her. She needs help" Dustin said. "I- No" I said, trying to say I don't need help because the last man who helped me, died.

"Yes you do. Just come with us" Mike said with his soft voice as he started walking up to me but I backed up, scared. I still don't know if they're good people.

"Don't be scared" Sinclair said as he started walking up to me. "What are you doing? You clearly see she's scared" Steve whispered because he didn't want me to hear but I did.

"I think I know why she asked if I needed help" Sinclair said as he kept walking up to me slowly. He held his hands out, saying that he's not going to hurt me.

"They're not bad people. The way you're looking at us, it seems like you've never had to many people around where you're from" Sinclair said. And that's true.

"Well you'll be seeing a lot more. Just come with us" he said as he held his hand out for me to take. I hesitated but ended up grabbing his hand because he's trying to make me feel comfortable. It's kind of working...

"I can't believe we're doing this" Steve said. I understand why he's skeptic of me. I am a random girl in the forest. They don't even known about the unwanted "powers" I have...


𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 Where stories live. Discover now