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So in Disney, there are 2 things.

In the Princesses category, some of those who aren't actually princesses (Mulan, Tinkerbell to some, Jane technically isn't a princess in the way the others are) are still considered princesses.

So by this logic, Lady from Lady & the Tramp can be considered one too, right?

So if we go there, then Ariel logically actually isn't the only Disney princess who became a parent.
Both where there were kids introduced, they were direct-to-dvd that didn't do so well. But both were still classics.

Lady & the Tramp got a sequel as well. In it, they had 3 puppies. 2 girls, 1 boy. This time, the story focused on the son.

So if we're going with the logic that not all the Princess are actually royalty (through marriage nor blood), then Lady is a princess, and Ariel wouldn't be the only princess who became a mother. One story focuses on a young princess, the other on a young prince.

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