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     A car rumbles on a gravel road, leaving dust in it's wake. Inside this car, a man is driving, taking glances at his phone. "I should be getting there shortly, if this is correct." The man says to himself. The mans name is Neo, and he is heading towards a mysterious building in the mountains. Soon, he comes up to a gate. He slows to a stop, and a guard motions for him to roll down his window.

     "Sir, I'm sorry, but this area is off limits, and is not open to the public. Please come with me." The guard says, and Neo complies, unbuckling his seatbelt, and opening the door. He closes the door and locks his car, and begins following the guard. "I'm sorry, I didn't know this was a government facility, I just saw-" Neo pauses, and gasps. "That symbol on your uniform, your not-" before he can finish, the guard knocks him out, and says something into his radio.

Neo's POV 

     I groan, sitting up, rubbing my throbbing head. 'Where am I?' I think to myself, and I take in my surroundings. It looks like I'm in some kind of cell, and I'm wearing a jumpsuit- suddenly, I remember everything. 'Oh god, I'm in the SCP foundation, and I'm a D-class!' I panic, but stop, and take some deep breaths. 'Come on, there has to be something I can do to get out of here...' I think to myself, but before I can form a plan, a guard opens my cell, and hauls me out of it.

     "D-314159265359, follow our every order or you will be shot." The guard says, and I comply, not wanting to die. I follow the guard, until he holds his hand up for me to stop. He puts a pin into the code door, and motions for me to continue. Unfortunately, I didn't see the code, so I won't be able to open the door on my own in the future.

     "We're here, please enter the containment chamber." The guard says, and I do so. The door closes behind me, and I look at the pool of acid in front of me. "OH GOD, NO! YOU GUYS CANT SO THIS! I DON'T WANNA DIE!" I shout, banging on the door. I turn around, to see SCP-682 emerge from the acid. "Please, I don't wanna be here, please don't kill me!" I beg, even though I know it's useless.

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