Bida - Kontrabida

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Amanda (protagonist) and Atasha (antagonist) are arguing about the tallied results of the voting for the next student leader. Amanda is being accused by Atasha of bribing the other students to vote for her.


Amanda - protagonist

Atasha - antagonist

Malliah - foil

Kendra - raisonneur

Kallie - confidant

Atasha: I can't believe that you just won over me. Did you sway the votes of the other students? Amanda, this isn't right.

Amanda: Do you think I am someone like that? They voted for me because they believe I am capable of being a student leader. I have the potential to be a student leader. Stop being so envious of me; don't you have a life of your own?

Atasha: And now you have the urge to talk back?

Malliah: I am convinced that she bribed the other students into voting for her. What a shady tactic. Did you kneel and bow your head to them, or did you do anything else? Quick, answer me! My patience is not as long as my hair.

Kallie: Can you stop what you're doing right now? You're threatening my friend, do you want me to report to the office?

Malliah: The trustworthy and loyal friend is here, defending her precious friend.

Amanda: Are you guys done? We don't have to explain ourselves here. Excuse us.

Atasha: Oops, not that fast.

Kendra: Stop! Do you realize what you're doing, Atasha? No one voted for you because of your attitude. To win, you must have certain traits; do you believe you have those? Your only goal is to win over Amanda. Atasha, it's not just about winning. It's also about owning the characteristics of an effective student leader. Losing is a necessary part of everyone's success. Learn to accept defeat.

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