New Roads

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Mario looked out the window from the airplane as the planed finally landed. It was a long flight coming from New York to Miami, Florida. His family was constantly moving because of his Dad and his new job. They walked inside the airport. They searched for His uncle, who they would be staying with until they bought their new home. Mario was a dark skinned brother, 6'1, very built and had an athletic body. A few minutes later they found his uncle walking up to them with a warm and friendly countenance. The family embraced each other and appreciated the moment.
Mario was starting his first day at school. He caught a a couple females staring at him already as he walked pass.
When Mario got to his new school, all of the girls instantly noticed him. From a distance, Meagan and Kayla watched him walk, looking down at his schedule.

Meagan: He must be new...
Kayla: Hell yeah, but goddamn!
Meagan: Anyway, guess what? You can't tell anyone.
Kayla: What happened?
Meagan: Lebron put his hands on me.
Kayla: Whaaattt?!
Meagan: Yep...He told me if I leave then he's really gonna hurt me.
Kayla: I'm gonna beat his ass!
Meagan: Please...
30 minutes later: 1st period:Teacher: Class, we have a new student...his name is Mario!
Meagan: *looks him up and down* Oh my gah!
Mario: Can I sit by you miss?
Meagan: Uh, yeah of course
Mario: *sits down* What grade you in shawty?
Meagan: 11th...Mario: Me're beautiful
Meagan: *looks down at her feet* Thank you...
The class had an assignment to do, but the students needed partners. Mario looked over to Meagan and asked her if she wanted to be his partner. She agreed to it. Mario couldn't stop staring at her eyes. He could see his on reflection. Meagan caught him staring and smiled at him.
Meagan: umm is there something on my face??
Mario: yes..
Meagan: Oh god what is it?Meagan searched in her purse for her mirror but Mario stopped her and held her hand...
Mario: I was talking about your eyes...Meagan started to blush. Kayla stared over at their table. She had to admit Mario was cute and she was a little jealous. The door swung open as Meagan's boyfriend walked into the class. The room got quiet. He looked over at Meagan and Mario and a mean look came across his face. shit was about to get real. nobody ever came close to talkin' to his girl.
Mario notices Meagan's facial expression change. Lebron was 5'11, the star basket ball player, and the toughest boy at school. Mario: What's wrong?
Meagan: That's my boyfriend...
Mario: Oh, but still, what's wrong?
Meagan: He's really over protective and if he catches me talking to you he'll...
Mario: He'll what?
Meagan: Nothing...

Lebron walks up to them.Lebron: Who are you?
Mario: Who are YOU?
Lebron: Nigga who the hell are you and why you sitting next to my girl?!
Mario: *gets up* Who you talking to?!
Meagan: *gets in between them* No need for all this...
Mario: You right, this nigga don't want it! *looking down at Lebron*
Lebron: Meagan if I ever catch you talking to him outside of this class then we have a problem!
Meagan: Okay...

Lebron goes to his seat and Meagan and Mario sit down.
Mario: What does he mean yall have a "problem"?
Meagan: Uh..
Mario: He don't be hitting on you right?Meagan: Of course not!
Mario: Ight, cause you too pretty for that.
Mario and Lebron were eyeing each other the whole class period. Lebron and his homeboys stared back at Mario giving him the sign that If he had pressure with Lebron, he had pressure with them too. After school that day Mario saw Meagan waiting by a car by herself. He began to walk towards her but then He saw Lebron walk up to her. He tried to give her a kiss, but she turned her head to her side.
Lebron: damn girl what's yo problem?Meagan: nothing. Can you take me home now?....
Lebron: Naw tell me what the problem is first...Meagan really didn't feel like arguing with him again but at the same time she was afraid that he would hit her again.
Meagan: you know what? forget It, I'm catching the bus home.She started to walk away but Lebron grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back, He made sure nobody was looking around.
Lebron: Bitch, you're not going anywhere you hear me. Now you gone get in this car like I told you to. Meagan pushed him away and started walking away. Lebron pulled her by her hair. He raised his hand like he was about to smack her but a hand came out of nowhere and stopped him
Mario: Aye! *grabs Lebrons arm*Lebron: Nigga get the fuck off of me!
Mario: *pushes him* Think twice before you touch her again!Mario's strength had Lebron going 3 feet backwards. He was surprised, and angered at the same time.

Before he knew it, Mario punched him to the ground and everyone was surrounded. Meagan's mouth wouldn't close, she never knew someone could actually beat Lebron up. Lebron punched Mario in the neck; Mario punched back harder. No matter what Lebron did, Mario came back harder. It wasn't too long before security came and pulled both of them by the collar and took them to the office. Meagan ran to her bus and went home.

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