First day Chapter 2

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"WHAT??!!" Hannah yelled though the phone "you heard me" "OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!!" I laughed at her "yeah, yeah but I gonna go" I told her "ugh ok, bye!" "Bye!!" I said then hung up.

~the next day~

Today was the day, my first day on the smp. I mean sure I've watched George play on it but that is nothing compared to actually playing on it.

Me, dream and George made a discord call with each other. Even though me and George are siblings and live with each other we can't be in the same room while playing. But anyway I logged onto the smp feeling quite nervous, I only knew who dream and George are then other then that I don't know anyone, I mean what if they don't like me?

I logged on to be meet with a wall "who the fuck idea was it to put a wall here?" I asked the boys didn't respond but instead George told me how to get out "thanks bro" "yup" just then someone else joined the call "ayyy hombre escuché que hay una mujer nueva aquí?!" The voice said "what?" Dream asked "y/n you know Spanish, what'd he say?" George asked I heard a laugh from the new voice "uhh, mans I hear there's a new woman here? Yeah I think" (sorry if this is wrong I don't speak Spanish) "oh ok, well yes there is quackity, she's my sister y/n" George told him "hmmm does she like drugs man?" He asked then I seen that quackity had joined the game.

"I don't know ask her" George replied to him just then quackitys Minecraft character came onto the screen, he was now right in front of me "you like drugs?" He asked "yeah, yeah I do what kind you got?" I said back "I have the good kind, here" he said then though some sugar on the ground, I picked it up "thanks" I said to him "yeah man, now let me show you around" he said "ok!" I said and ran after his character.

When we were finally done with the tour, I had meet more people on it like Tommy, tubbo, sapnap, Ranboo and Karl they were all really nice.

I was getting stuff for my house and quackity was helping which I appreciated. Awhile ago George left because he was gonna go get pizza for me and him and dream had to leave for something so that left me and quackity alone, which I didn't mind he was fun to talk to.

After I chopped down a tree I noticed a mushroom was sitting behind it "quackity! Come look, now!!" I said excited "what? Did something happen?" He asked panicked I laughed at him "no nothing happened I just found something" I said to him "oh ok" he replied then ran over to where I was "what do you have to show me?" He asked "look it's a mushroom!!" I exclaimed his Minecraft character looked down at it then back at me "so?" He asked "i like mushrooms!" "Oh well cool I guess" he said and went back to chopping down trees. I rolled my eyes at him then picked up the mushroom and continued to chop down the trees.

About 10 minutes later George came back so I told him I have to go "aww why?" He wined "because George brought back pizza, now bye!" I told him "wait before you go, can I have your number?" He asked my eyes went a little wide and I smiled "sure" I told him and typed it into the chat "ok there, bye!" I said to him "bye y/n! Hope you liked the drugs" I laughed at his comment "I did" I said then left.

This was so shit, I feel like this hole story is gonna be shit but if you like it please vote!

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