Geting ready 22

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I walked downstairs looking for the girls but didn't see them anywhere so I walked over to the kitchen to go ask fundy who was sitting at the bar "hey where's everyone?" I asked he looked up from his phone and replied "oh they went to a store, because if you haven't noticed we literally have like no food" he said motioning over to the fridge "oh, well is anyone else here?" I asked "yeah Alex, Grayson, and cara, why?" I nodded, wait cara? "Oh um I need to ask the girls something, thanks though!" I said and ran off to out room.

I ran into the room to see cara on her phone "CARA!!" I yelled she looked up and smiled a little "yeah?" She asked I smiled and jumped on her bed "guess what?!" "What?" "Alex asked me out on a date!!" I yelled jumping around on her bed "wait really?!" She asked her smile getting bigger "YES!" I giggled a little as she got up and started bouncing with me (not like that guys) "oh my god we have to get you ready! When are you going?!" She ask "he said at about 8" I said sitting on her bed her following me "8? It's 5 right now! Oh god we need to get you ready like now!" I rolled my eyes "it's not gonna take 3 hours to do everything" I told her "your right, I wish we had more time but this will have to work" she said I rolled my eyes at her.

Then we heard the door open from downstairs "ok I'll be back I have to get minx and Niki!" She said and ran out the room i once again rolled my eyes but waited for them to come back which was only about 3 minutes "GET YOUR ASS IN THE SHOWER!" Minx yelled as she ran into the room "damn calm down" is said "it's just a date"they all looked at me in shock "what did you just say?" Minx asked "calm down...?" "No the other thing, what do you mean it's just a date?! No it's not it's, it's you and Alex hanging out alone, the boy you like! Y/n this is big!" Cara said Niki nodded "now get your ass in the shower and make it fast"

10 minutes later...

I got out of the shower put my clothes back on and walked out of the bathroom and back into our room "ok what's next?" I asked "makeup!" Niki said and sat me down on my bed and began to do my makeup while cara looked for a outfit for me to wear and as for minx, well I didn't know where she was.

Minx pov,

When y/n went to take her shower I went to Alex's room, "OPEN UP" I yelled "what the fuck? Ugh come in" he said I opened the door and shut it behind me "where are you taking her? What are you doing? Because I need to know" I said before he could get a word out "um why? And I'm not telling anyone its a surprise not only for her but for everyone"  he said "tell me or it's gonna be a surprise to everyone when your neck is broke" I said, I have to make sure he's not trying to kill her though I don't think he would do that "damn ok fine, I'm taking her to the flower field we first came to when we got here, the after that I don't know maybe we'll get ice cream or something" I nodded "ok thanks" I said then walked out like I didn't just harass him.

Y/n pov
2 hours later (sorry idk what to put here)

"Ok put this on he's gonna be here in like 10 minutes" Cara said and give me the outfit,

"Ok put this on he's gonna be here in like 10 minutes" Cara said and give me the outfit,

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I looked in the mirror and smiled "I look good guys, thanks" I said and gave them a hug just then there was a knock on the door "go get him" minx said and pushed me to the door I opened it to see Alex there "you ready?"

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I looked in the mirror and smiled "I look good guys, thanks" I said and gave them a hug just then there was a knock on the door "go get him" minx said and pushed me to the door I opened it to see Alex there "you ready?"

I'm back!

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