"I Promise"

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⚠TW: Child abuse and slight gore!

The next morning the sun was just starting to rise as Amity jolted awake. She instantly sat up and started looking around, trying to take in her surroundings. Just then she saw the human sleeping next to her and all of the memories from the night before came flooding in. She started panicking. "No!" Amity cried as she started to hyperventilate and pull out her scroll, seeing multiple missed calls and texts from her mother. "No, no, no!" the witch said as tears started running down her face. 

 Luz woke up to the sudden noise. She sat up and looked over at the witch next to her. "Hey, Amity, what's wrong? Did you have a nightmare or something?" Luz asked as she saw all the missed calls on her scroll. A small gasp escaped the human as she realized what was going on. "It's ok, I'm sure she'll understand." the human spoke in a calming voice. Amity finally looked at Luz and started crying more. "No, she won't. You don't understand, she never forgives me. I always mess up and now I'll have to pay for it." Amity said as her voice cracked, and she continued to cry. Luz just looked at the crying witch with shock.

 Amity Jumped as she felt Luz wrap her arms around her waist. "It's gonna be ok, Amity. what do you mean 'you'll have to pay for it'?" Luz asked as she reached to wipe Amity's tears, making the witch flinch. "How do you know it's gonna be ok?! How do I know I can trust you? I just met you!" Amity screamed in response. "Hey, I don't know if it's gonna be ok. But I can't help if I don't know what's going on, ok?" Luz spoke in a sweet voice. "But-" Amity tried to speak before getting cut off. "Look, I know we just met, but I know what it's like to be hurt, and I won't let anything happen to you." Luz told her. "You promise?" Amity asked as she sniffled. "I promise." Luz assured her, "Now, take deep breaths and tell me what happened". 

Once Amity got her breathing under control, she drew a circle in the air. Just as Luz was about to ask what it was, an image appeared. A series of short videos played all with the same woman in the circle. Just then the woman in the circle spoke, "Amity Blight! What did you do now?" the memory of Odalia said. "I'm sorry, mother." memory Amity responded. "Oh, you will be. One more little mess-up of yours, and you will regret ever knowing me!" Odalia yelled. "I already do." Amity mumbled in the memory. "What was that?!" Odalia yelled in the memory as she smacked Amity across the face. 

When the memory circle faded away Amity looked at Luz, who had tears rolling down her cheeks and a hand on her stomach where the pink haired girl had kicked her a couple days ago. When Luz looked at Amity too, Amity reached for her necklace and took the pendent off. Sudently multiple handprints, bruises, and cuts appeared on Amity's face and arms. 

"What was that?" Luz asked. "My memories. You said to tell you what happened, that's what happened. The last memory was from yesterday. I got an 89 on my abomination test at school, that's why I was crying. But then I met you last night, and we fell asleep. But, that was my last chance, and I blew it." Amity said as she started crying again. "Amity, I'm sorry-" Luz started. "No. Don't apologize. It's not your fault. In the past 16 hours we've known each other, you made me the happiest I been in years. I messed up, again, and now I have to suffer the consequences. Thats all there is to it." Amity said through her sobs. 

Once again Luz hugged the witch, only this time Amity hugged back. And they stayed like that, hugging each other, Amity sobbing into Luz's shoulder, Luz rubbing Amity's back, and both of them watching the rest of the sunrise for hours. 

When the sunrise was over, Amity tried to pull herself together again. "You probably have somewhere to be, so I'll stop holding you up, sorry." Amity spoke as the human looked at her. "No, it's fine. I don't have anywhere to be, but I'll go if you would like." Luz responded as she stood up and started to walk away. Just then Amity grabbed her hand. Luz looked down at The still crying witch, and blushed. "No. Please.... don't go. Come with me." Amity told Luz as she stood up to be level with her. 

The two girls walked for about half an hour before reaching their destination. They were at a library. When they walked inside, Amity led Luz to her secret hideout behind the shelf of the romance section. Luz was amazed and spent a solid five minutes just looking around and reading the titles of the books. Amity just stood in the corner smiling and blushing while watching Luz. Amity spoke up, "This is where I go to escape my mother, when I can that is." Luz ran up to amity, "This is awesome!" She squealed as she twirled around and plopped herself down on a beanbag. 

Amity walked over to the desk in the middle of the small room. She opened a drawer and called Luz over from the beanbag. "Here, you can take whatever snacks you want. There are some drinks in the mini-fridge over there." Amity told Luz as she pointed to the corner with a life sized Good Witch Azura staff.  Luz instantly saw the staff and gasped. 

"Wait! Do you like The Good Witch Azura!?" Luz blurted out without thinking. "Um, yea. Do you?" Amity answered. "Of course I do, Who doesn't?!" Luz responded instantly. Amity walked over to her collection of all the Azura books and brought them to where they were going to sit.  Amity grabbed a candy bar, a bag of chips, and a can of soda as she walked over to a pile of blankets and pillows. Luz got the same and sat down where Amity was. 

They spent the rest of the day just eating snacks and reading the Good Witch Azura books. As Luz was reaching for the fourth book in the series, she felt Amity's head fall on her shoulder. She looked at the now sleeping witch and felt her cheeks get flooded with a dark blush. She laid her head on amity's head and smiled. "Te amo, Amity" Luz whispered as she started to read the forth book out loud. 

Word count: 1117

Please let me know if you like the longer or shorter chapters. 😁

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