Malenia x Reader

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Stumbling, catching yourself in multiple failing attempts as you found yourself within Elphael, brace of the Haligtree. Scarlet rot had crawled its way into your veins, burning as it slowly devoured your flesh from the inside. Your sanity trickling slowly away from your bearings as it took what little strength you had to make it forward only to collapse to the ground. Bright white flowers danced softly in small breezes in front of you, your hands grasping nothing as a shadow shifted near the roots of the tree. Drawing closer, your vision fluttering and swaying with bated breaths and groans before everything went dark.

Your senses slowly gathered, feeling silk underneath you and soft fabrics wrapped around you. More groans leaving your throat as your eyes gathered strength to look around. You had been placed in someone's chambers, pale pink silk sheets, soft elegant robe covered your delicate form as light seeped into the room from a nearby window. The blankets were a mixture of soft pelts and royal fabric that were sewn together perfectly. Similar colored curtains hung around the frame of the bed, pulled back to give view of a person sitting in a chair nearby.

Startled as you shifted only to wince lightly and clutch your sides. The person shifted in their seat across the room, metal scraped along the floor when their feet moved. You could make out a dress shading their legs, falling to the sides of each. "You can lower your guard here. No one will be demanding a battle here." The voice was feminine and soft, sultry with notes of almost a motherly tone. The woman stood from her seat, metal and fabric sounds filling the room as she made her way closer to you. Your eyes widened when sunlight poured over them. Blade of Miquella, Malenia the Severed. "P-please I-i didn't mean to intrude... I-I'll leave immediately Malenia, I-" Her firm yet gentle hand resting on your forearm halted your words, her artificial arm still felt oddly warm on yours as she moved closer now to you.

"You need not to worry. I sensed the scarlet rot within you when your presence made wake in my slumber. I instructed my servants to bring you here," her grasp softened as she continued, "I absorbed what rot that inhabited your save you." When her words left her lips, it surprised you. Why would she spare you of all people from her scarlet rot? Everything you've always heard about this woman is that she is merciless and undefeated. Leaving her rot as a plague that mindlessly inhabits lands and life alike, eating away at minds like Radahn's. "Your small meek self reminds me of when I was younger... when I realized the rot was within me...before it took my sight and my limbs. I couldn't bare the thought of you being consumed by it too." She sat down on the side of the bed, her head lightly dropping as her red locks fanned her shoulders. Your hand found hers, her bare hand. The vicious plague had attempted to scar her only remaining arm, parts of her skin were replaced with dull gold metal to keep her intact on what flesh she still owned.

She tensed slightly to your touch before melting into it, digits roaming yours in absorption of what undamaged flesh felt like. Oh to not be plagued with such defect... to be free of it all. Miquella wished to free his twin sister of these invisible chains that concealed her, trying and failing for his poor sister time and time again. "Everything I've ever heard about you... people always made you out to be ruthless...merciless even." A soft huff flared her nostrils, soft smile pulling the corners of her pale lips. "I let that image protect me in battle, however, I still hold onto my softer side so to speak." You busted out a giggle in response, taking her hand further into yours while your other hand cupped from underneath. "Thank you, Malenia. It means so much to me that you were willing to take the rot out of me to save me."

Your words sat high on her shoulders, straightening her back in a proud flaunt as her prosthetic limb pulled her thin strands over to one shoulder. "You may remain here for as long as your liking. I won't make you leave for after all, company is well appreciated and scarce here." She tugged on your hand, bringing you into a small embrace of her arms. Her scent clouded your inhales, floral and almost fruity. Like lilies dancing in a summer breeze with wild raspberries glistening in the sunlight, unexpecting of someone who you thought wouldn't smell so pleasant. Her flaming strands were soft yet thin, flowering you in her grasp as their light weight planted on top of you. Chiffon dress felt cool to your cheek, mixed with her welcoming warmth.

"Now, I believe it's time for you to rest, for it was a hefty amount of rot that shrouded you. But no worries, I'll be right here when you wake." Malenia's reassuring words were calm but stern on the part to rest. You eased back down onto the bed, Malenia pulling the blankets over you and fluffing the pillows to your liking. "Goodnight, small scarlet." She chimed, the nickname made you giddy with excitement for she did see you as a younger self. So full of life and the Goddess of rot would see to it that it does not get disturbed. She ran her fingers through your hair, her tips brushing your strands back with her same soft smile on her face. While she bared no eyes, she still knew just were to face as if her orbs had never been taken from her.

Malenia rested her hand on your shoulder, "The rot will take some time to fully leave your body. Luckily on your part, I got to you in time before it had started to eat away at your limbs. I do bid you to be careful when treading around here. Whenever you feel the need to leave the bed, my cleanrot knights would happily accompany you to ensure your safety." You thanked her as she left the room, faded beige dress swirling around the corner as the door closed shut. You snuggled further into the bed, her scent still heavy in the fabrics and jolts on your skin where her touch lingered. Malenia was earning a soft spot in your heart with her secluded kindness that had only been shared so sparingly. After leaving the room, Malenia instructed two of her loyal knights to stand by the door the room you inhabited, having them acknowledge to inform her when you wake so she could talk more to her little scarlet.

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