Ranni the witch x Reader

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Blue orbs danced in the atmosphere, birds chirping to each other in benign conversation. Three towers stood before you, each similar in structure but yet each having their own differences. Turquoise crystals stood tall near the entrances, reflecting piercing sunlight that pierced the ash gray clouds. Torrent's ears twitched to the various sounds surrounding the both of you, shaking his head as his mane twitched. You slowly eased torrent forward, gently bumping your heels into his sides as he began to move, cautious of the glintstone dragon slumbering nearby. You made the choice of the middle tower, being the last tower seemed to have a seal containing it meanwhile the other was farther away.

Sneaking past the wolves roaming about the entrance, you hopped off Torrent as his form became blue spectral that disappeared completely. Candles beholding blue flames flickered softly within the building, more of the large crystal clusters glowing gently in the faint light emitted through the windows. Books laid abandoned upon shelves, dust laid thickly over them, signaling that it had been a long while since anyone had moved them. The place had a sort of safety aura to it, as you tread through the hallway and came to a circular portion of the tower where a site of grace laid center on the floor.

You touched it, feeling grateful to see it after all you endured to get here. The small yellow light danced gingerly over the upward roots that pinned it. A bitter draft swept over the room you stood in, shivers radiating your body as you hugged yourself to keep the little warmth you had before noticing a lift nearby. A circular stone with a smaller circle in the center, lifted slightly up as it awaited pressure from someone to activate it. You cautiously stepped aboard as the lift began to elevate upwards, coming to a slow stop on the second floor.

More dusted books and candles littered about along with scrolls of bitter paper that looked as if it could crumble with a single waver of a breath. You followed the pathway up to the chambers of the tower, foggy mist clouding the view outside but you knew you were a lengthy height above the ground. Entering the chambers, a woman sat on the chair centered in the room, one pair of hands resting on her lap while the other pair pressed their fingers together in a sort of elegant way. "Greetings, sweet dear." her voice soft yet sweet in the way she spoke. Her head tilted towards you, a spectral second face just slightly to the right of her own, faded blue waves of strands just ending near her shoulders. "What does thane have business with being here?" she pondered, searching you over with gentle azure hues.

"I-I thought this place was abandoned, my apologies." you stuttered out, finding yourself mangled in her gaze. "No worries dear, thane has no reason to harm thee." her sentence pouring relief on your tensed shoulders, your muscles relaxing into her soothe. "I am the witch Ranni. I stole death long ago, and in search now for the dark path. Has that roused they interest?" she mused, turning her head once more in a sort of playful manner. You was captured by her whims, guided to her soothing voice and elegant frame.

"Yes, I will gladly take part." you knelt in front of her, as she extended one of her hands towards you. Grabbing it gently, you kissed the soft blue skin of the top of her hand, coaxing your thumb gently over. "But before thou departs, stand for thane mistress." her request reached you as you followed her demand, hands resting to your sides. Ice began to seep from her hands, shimmering in the light as it engulfed you, swirling around you as your armor crumble, peeling off along with the leather undergarments. Star dust velvet trailed up your arms, forming to your curves. A deep blue gem resting center slightly above your breasts, ashen blue cloak fanning out from the top near your shoulder blades. The bottom of the dress fanning out from your shape to create frills as leather boots crawled up to your thighs, a slight wedge below your heel.

The icy swirls faded from around you as you peered over towards Ranni's direction. "Beautiful." she breathed admiring your elegant new look that had complimented you so perfectly. Her cerulean orbs danced over your shape, lips slightly parted with shallow breaths escaping in awe. Ranni stepped off her chair, swaying towards you and grabbing your hand in hers. Her skin was chilled but in a comforting way, melting away the heat of your own as she twirled you; marveling the shimmers and glistening of you in your new attire. She released your hand but for a moment as she grabbed something from her pocket. A ring adorned with a gem resembling a blue full moon sat snuggly in the center. Her blue orbs met yours, crashing into each other like waves on a rocky shoreline.

"Will theist be thine consort?" Her voice had strands of nervousness hiding within yet still held their soft tone. You held out your hand to her, as she slowly slid the ring onto your hand, kissing each finger followed by the back of your hand. Her hand slid up your arm, snaking around your waist as the other came to cup your face, admiring the pinkish tone your cheek held from her doing. Her thumb grazed over your lips tugging at the plushness as her gaze magnetized to them, captivating her with such need to kiss them. No matter what those lips might do to her, she wanted every part of them, anywhere and everywhere.

Ranni slowly leaned in, tilting just so her dusky white hat didn't bump your head. You slowly met her halfway, lips pressed to each other as you felt the chilled softness of hers. Your arms instinctively wrapped around her small frame, tugging her closer until there was no gap between your forms. Ranni deepened the kiss, her hand moved from your cheek to your nape, coiling her fingers in the loose strands of your hair. Nothing else mattered in this moment other than you and Ranni.

Elden Ring X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang