
106 11 17

  Topic: Dating rumors

  Amount of anger this cause me: 8/10

  Opinion: honestly why do dating rumors exist? I'll admit I ship kpop idols secretly, but I don't go and make whole ass rumors, or even tell people I ship them for that matter. People might think, "well they're just dating rumors." Yeah, dating rumors that get the two idols involved hate. That's another thing, stop hating on idols for every little thing. 🤦‍♀️ That's the second red flag for a toxic kpop idol. Seriously though, idols get dating rumors for the slightest interaction. Like for instance, dating rumors came between Wonyoung and Sunghoon just because they're both MCs. Like seriously? Not every male and female interaction means they're dating. And people find camera focuses of groups at like mama and other places, and if they make the slightest eye contact people make video about it and automatically theyre dating. Wtf? Can idols not look at each other? 4th gen barely interacts with other idols nowadays due to dating rumors. I miss the old kpop where boy and girl groups would have special stages and interactions and not have to worry about so many dating rumors. And the thing is, half of the netizens that make the dating rumors are the same ones that hate on the idols. Just stop making dating rumors yall 🤦‍♀️

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