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Topic: hearing something about jonghyun and automatically bringing up his death.

My opinion: we all know that jonghyun from shinee passed away from suicide dec. 18 2017. But he was so much more than that. He was an amazing dancer, an amazing singer, he had a beautiful personality, his smile could brighten everyone's day. We all miss him, but please, stop bringing his death up everytime you mention him. Do you think that's all he wanted to be remembered for? No! Remember him as who he was. Yes, you can always grieve over him, I know that I sure do. But it's so unnecessary to always bring up his death. For example, if you see a video of him that someone made that shows like, let's say his sassy moments (there was a lot of them 😆) don't go and say "rip jonghyun we'll miss you" Yes, we will miss him, but that video was made to highlight his moments when he was here, to make people smile and laugh, yet you just fucking ruined it. I garauntee that a lot of the people that do that didn't know him until after his death. Which is fine, but fuck he is so much more than that. I get that you miss him, we all do. But stop bringing it up, it's not going to bring him back. I was reading a fan fiction about shinee a few years ago and someone kept saying "awww I miss jonghyun so much" like okay, so do I, but stop constantly bringing it up when it's not necessary. And another thing, stop praising him just because he passed away. Praise him because he deserves it. Like I said, it's fine to say how much you miss him, but not when it's irrelevant. Idk if I sound rude or not, but it pisses me off, because he was so talented and deserves being remembered because of how talented and sweet he was, not because he killed himself.

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