
58 8 3

Topic: idols lying etc.

My opinion: idols lie about their lives all of the time, and we need to start realizing it. There is no way that out of the thousands of kpop idols, barely any of them are dating. Trust me, idols date other people and then say that they don't. Can you blame them? I wouldn't want all of the hate that came with that either. Also, idols lie about them being okay, or being happy. No. You expect every idol to be okay? In this fucking society? No. Idols also lie about loving their fans. No, I'm not saying that idols don't love their fans. A lot do. But a lot are stuck up in real life and don't give a fuck about us lmao. Idols lie about getting along with their members. If you think that every group gets along, you're wrong. Most idols debut young, and most are in groups of the same gender. Of course some aren't gonna get along. Idols lie about a lot of things, we need to realize this. No, don't go and call them a fucking liar, because that's not at all what I'm saying. Some idols have to tell their fans things to keep them from worrying. But we need to realize they are human too, there's no way they live the way they say they do, and enjoy it. There's just no way.

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