✔️Chapter 1: Human

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Someone's POV (Peaches, the Beta Female)

Every single werewolf in Regent Woodland pack was shocked yet excited when the former Alpha suggested we should try welcoming a human in our pack. He said this will serve as a drill not only for the school but the whole pack, so that everyone will know what they will be doing when in the presence of a human. Alertness, Teamwork, Pride, Pack Bond, Personal Values, and more will be explored in this project.

We opened our humble school for human outsiders to enrol but we did not expect much since who would want to study in a very rural and weird place anyway. Our offer was not even seen much in the internet, yet we were surprised when someone finally submitted their paper requirements. I can't believe it.

I believe her name is Canisha Zemir? Everyone knows that name now. I can't wait to meet her. The current Alpha, our Alpha didn't care much about this because truthfully he didn't agree with his father's suggestion. So in the end, he simply tasked me to be the one to tour her and be her friend as well. Who wouldn't get excited?

Today is actually her arrival. I'm definitely not nervous but I don't know how to greet her. Maybe if it's a human, it would take an hour to walk from the nearest vehicle stop to come here. It's already 2 hours ago after we sent some trained warriors to pick her things up. Just why is she not arriving?

Not until a figure finally appeared on the most edge of the gate, and she is... She is panting as she leans on the post!! Oh dear santa claus, I didn't expect this. She looks like she's about to die because of exhaustion.

I ran to her immediately.

"Hello Cani-" I tried to greet her but was stopped when she raised her hands to tell me to stop.

"My d-dorm or whatever you c-call it, j-just guide me there. I... I... I wanna lay downnn." she says while panting, her voice kinda dying in the end.

"Y-You mean your cabin?" I still stuttered.

She nods excessively, "Damn it, no one told me about a f*cking hiking to get here."

A smile unintentionally crept on my face. Is this supposed to be funny? She's kinda cute.

I didn't speak more about how she should just rest first and just started  guiding her to her cabin. I love her personality already.

When we reached the cabin we especially prepared only for her, she quickly grasps the door knob and removes her shoes to get inside.

"So umm your things are already in your living room-" I tried to start again when I heard her flopped herself on the couch.

She hissed, "Ouchh my back. Damn it, I'm never gonna do physical activities again, this damn sh*t."

Woah. I mean like, she swears a lot like someone I know... who happened to be my Alpha. By the way, cheers to him who doesn't speak much but whenever he does he never misses to mention a bad word.

"Am I swearing a lot? Don't worry it only happens when I'm physically and mentally drained."

I snapped back when she mumbles again with a dying tone. Next thing I know is hearing her soft snores as she laid her back on the couch. I thought we could even talk at least a bit. I guess the walk here seriously drained her.

And I remembered I even forgot to introduce myself. I shrugged and simply closed her door to leave her to rest.

Since it's already evening, let's just have a proper talk with her tomorrow.


In the next morning, I woke up late with Coby my mate beside me. Urghhh. He seriously didn't wake me or woke up himself because he have duties too.

A Mysterious Human for a Mischievous AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now